How to treat scalp psoriasis

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One of the most common forms of the disease is scalp psoriasis.

The disease itself is not an infectious process, but, nevertheless, the disease proceeds in an inflammatory nature.

The symptoms of psoriasis are very typical of fungal diseases - red or pink spots on the head, which have a different shape.

In addition to the formation of single or multiple rashes, itching, burning and inflammation appear on the skin.

Causes of psoriasis

Why does psoriasis on the head occur and what is it? Doctors still don't know why some people develop scalp psoriasis. Doctors periodically advance new theories and refute old ones. The causes of the development of the disease are often associated with a genetic predisposition, and the factors causing their occurrence include:

  1. Genetic load: Parents with psoriasis have been shown to have an order of magnitude higher than the likelihood of having children with this diagnosis.
  2. Violation of the formation and maturation of epidermal cells, according to one of the hypotheses, is the main reason for the development of the disease.
  3. It is also assumed that the reason is not in the epidermis, but in the immunity of the body, which produces the wrong factors that negatively affect the skin.
  4. Disorders of the endocrine system, according to some scientists, also contribute to the development of the disease.

The most likely cause of the development of psoriasis today is considered to be autoimmune processes in the body of a sick person.

Is your hair falling out?

Often patients suffering from a disease are interested in the question: can hair loss be observed in psoriasis? It should be noted that mass baldness does not occur. If such a process occurs, then in an insignificant amount, since the hair follicles are deep and the disease does not affect them.

Is psoriasis contagious?

This fear is associated with the unusual appearance of psoriasis and its history. In ancient times, psoriasis was mistakenly considered a form of the terrible disease of leprosy. From the above reasons for the appearance of psoriasis, it is clear that this disease cannot fall into the category of infectious. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to be infected with psoriasis is one: no.

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Scalp psoriasis is accompanied by the appearance of a characteristic skin rash, represented by patches or, more often, plaques ranging from pale pink to brownish red. In most cases, the elements of the rash are infiltrated from a minimal palpable elevation above the level of healthy skin to a pronounced infiltration of more than 1 mm.

In the initial stages, only diffuse, without inflammatory manifestations and clear boundaries, abundant peeling in the form of dandruff is possible. It is very similar to other dermatoses of the head, which greatly complicates the differential diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis on the head.

The most typical symptom of psoriasis is the "psoriatic crown" - the transition of the process from the scalp to the smooth skin of the adjacent areas of the forehead, to the areas above and behind the ears, to the back surface of the earlobes, the occipital region and the back of the neck.

Depending on the area and severity of the symptoms, there are 3 degrees of damage to the scalp:

  1. Easy- its main manifestation is the appearance on the head of small single lesions covered with thin scales;
  2. Heavy- psoriasis affects the scalp completely, the size of the scales is much larger and they are much thicker than in mild disease severity.

Clinical studies show that in most patients it is not possible to identify a single factor that could explain the onset of the disease. Most often, a combination of several of these reasons is observed, which gives reason to classify psoriasis as a polyetiological disease.

The difference between psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis

Differential diagnostic signs of psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis:

  1. Psoriasis, unlike diabetes mellitus, is characterized by a more pronounced infiltration of the elements of the rash due to acanthosis and hyperproliferation of the epidermis.
  2. The rashes in psoriasis often extend beyond the scalp, to the forehead (the so-called "psoriatic crown"), to the neck, to the ears.
  3. Peeling with psoriasis is dry, with diabetes the scales are more oily.
  4. The most pronounced itching is observed with diabetes.

It is also necessary to carefully examine and question the patient for damage to the nails and joints, the presence of which can speak in favor of psoriasis and significantly affect the further tactics of therapy.

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Scalp psoriasis treatment

When scalp psoriasis has been diagnosed, a number of measures are used for treatment, including:

  • general therapy;
  • local treatment;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Spa treatment.

In mild cases of psoriasis of the scalp and the absence of progression, in most cases, it is enough to prescribe local drugs for treatment: shampoos, gels, ointments, tar, etc. At the same time, the therapy of a constantly progressive inflammatory process may require the use of a larger arsenal of pharmacological drugs of various groups and physiotherapeutic techniques.

How to treat psoriasis with drugs?

In the complex of general therapy, doctors may include the following drugs:

  1. Vitamin complexes and vitamins C, A and group B;
  2. Non-specific immunotherapeutic drugs: ATP, Aloe;
  3. Aromatic retinoids;
  4. Cytostatics;
  5. Hemodez solution;
  6. Enterosorbents;
  7. monoclonal antibodies;
  8. immunodulators;
  9. Antihistamines;
  10. NVPS;
  11. sedatives;
  12. Calcified autologous blood.

The inclusion of corticosteroid and cytostatic drugs in the course of treatment is advisable in severe psoriasis and with significant severity of symptoms on the scalp. They need to be used very carefully - such funds can provoke an aggravation of the course of the disease.

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Scalp psoriasis shampoo

Is it possible to cure scalp psoriasis with shampoos? As a rule, using even a very effective shampoo is not enough. However, the use of special healing agents in complex therapy is a prerequisite for successful treatment.

All medicinal shampoos help reduce the inflammatory process, relieve or reduce itching, but using just one shampoo is not effective - the treatment must be comprehensive.


Local treatment always helps to increase the effectiveness of the drug. In the progressive stage of psoriasis, 2% salicylic ointments and boron-salidol will be useful. If there is an exudative component and severe inflammation, the appointment of creams and ointments with corticosteroids will be necessary.

Non-hormonal ointments contain birch, pine, juniper and coal tar. They can be produced both as ointments and as a paste.

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Head psoriasis diet

Nutrition should be uniform. The portions of food should be small, on the basis of "better less, but more often". The last meal should be no later than 19-00, at night it is allowed to drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

  1. It is necessary to completely abandon alcoholic beverages. Their use during the period of remission can provoke an exacerbation.
  2. Fatty, spicy and smoked foods should be excluded from the diet.
  3. Sweets are also not recommended - cakes, pastries, chocolate, sugar - all should be banned for psoriasis. Only small quantities of honey are allowed.

From drinks, tea with sea buckthorn, rosehip or black currant leaves will be useful.

Spa treatment

During your stay in hospitals, you must follow the following procedures:

  • heliotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • hydrogen sulphide baths and baths in hydrogen sulphide sources.

The course of treatment is carried out in special sanatoriums, they help reduce the frequency of relapses and achieve long-term remission.

PUVA therapy

PUVA therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method that includes the use of a photoactive drug and irradiation of the skin with long-wave UV radiation.

Long experience of use and reviews of specialists prove the effectiveness of PUVA therapy in the treatment of various dermatological diseases (including psoriasis), especially in the case of a persistent course and with the ineffectiveness of other therapeutic methods. According to statistics, a positive effect is achieved in about 80-85% of cases.

Hair care rules

To achieve a better condition of the hair and scalp, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of care, as well as the recommendations of a doctor:

  1. Wash your hair only with the recommended special shampoo.
  2. Comb your hair with a natural bristle comb.
  3. Systematically treat the scalp with disinfectant mixtures.
  4. Comb your hair very gently, gently, without hurting the scalp.
  5. Try to dry your hair naturally without using a hairdryer.
  6. With psoriasis of the head, it is necessary to avoid complex styling that requires the use of various styling products.