How to cure psoriasis at home for always cures and medicines

Many diseases of the skin deliver to the person great discomfort. Psoriasis is one of these diseases, which do not give to live in the safety of millions of people, forming scales on the skin reactive. People can not afford to wear clothes and constant itching creates persistent problems. How to cure psoriasis at home forever, ointments and other ways to implement it in the treatment of this skin condition has gone forever with this question, you must understand thoroughly.

What is psoriasis

In the literal translation of the Greek, the psoriasis is a severe itching of the skin. The disease is part of one of the oldest diseases and is chronic. The manifestation of the disease occurs under the action of specific immune cells in the body. Modern medicine allocates a lot of types of psoriasis, but the most common are the following:

  • vulgar, or patchy;
  • norman;
  • pustular;
  • palmo - plantar;
  • pericardial;
  • erythroderma etc

The main initial symptom, which can manifest itself in the first months of life, and which determine the psoriasis, it is appearing on the skin of a greyish-white scales. They are located on the head on the edge of the hair, to the folds of the joints, where it is exposed to an excess of friction. The eruption of its parameters are of different sizes, but initially represent small grains, which, over time, are multiplied in larger locations.


Is it possible to cure psoriasis

No opinion clear, that is наиглавнейшей the cause of the disease of psoriasis. Among the major factors call it stress, heredity, genetics, metabolic disorders. So we can think of, and highlight the main methods of treatment of inflammation. Because the door of a chronic disease, cure psoriasis and permanent is not possible, but in an integrated approach, it is possible to relieve the state of suffering, in reducing the symptoms.

The treatment of psoriasis at home

How to treat psoriasis at home, it is important to get a consultation with a specialist, because only a experienced doctor is able to establish an effective rate of medical abortion physiotherapeutic treatment. Among the main means of treatment of psoriasis at home, which are able to suppress or reduce the symptoms of the disease, you can call:

  • therapeutic, ointments, creams, waxes;
  • UV radiation;
  • sun bath;
  • the propolis;
  • therapeutic shampoos;
  • hormonal;
  • lotions;
  • powders;
  • chaga;
  • infusions.

The Strict limitation of all powers, following the instructions of medicines regular of their receiving help but not cure psoriasis forever, but, at least, prolong the period of remission, helping the person feel at ease. It is necessary to make breaks between the treatment and not possible to use several medications at once, because this way it is difficult to identify a therapy.


Folk remedies for psoriasis on the body

The application of the remedies for psoriasis on the body, whatever some may say, gives an effect that has been confirmed several times. An important aspect here is the fact that the methods used and the ingredients have no toxic effects on the body, especially the liver. Many methods are used in cosmetology with success, but you should know that what that is on the advice of a folk remedy would not be effective, the treatment, first of all, it is necessary to begin with the consultation of a specialist. The ointment of psoriasis at home of Control for these typical psoriasis symptoms such as a burning sensation, itching, the appearance of the dryness, cracking of the skin it is possible, by applying various ointments prepared by hand. Because the processing means may contain additional components such as vaseline or some oil, it is worth cautiously approach their use, people have tendency to allergies. The ointment of psoriasis at home prepares just, and for this, it is possible to use different ingredients calendula fishing scales. Apply the product need directly on the plates.

Here are a few:

  • Two eggs and a tablespoon of vegetable oil (and you can choose any which in its sole discretion) prepares a mixture to which you want to add half a spoon of acetic acid. The mixture every day grease the problems before going to bed after mandatory to take a shower.
  • Mix 25 g of birch tar with 15 g of honey, add to the mixture of 10 g vaseline and 5 g fish oil and boric acid. In the received structure injected a protein carefully all mixing. Apply cooked fatty ointment once every day.

Decoctions and infusions of psoriasis

With the exception of an external treatment, traditional medicine recommends the use of decoctions and infusions of psoriasis. You can prepare the kvass from oats, of the dye of crushed bay leaves and fennel seeds. You can buy in a pharmacy without too many problems the tincture of fir, which is also famous for its healing properties. Not to be underestimated in the treatment of psoriasis with herbal costs (burdock, elderberry, calendula, immortelle, nettle, celandine), store which can be short or buy in the same pharmacy kiosks.



Popular in-home care are therapeutic baths. It should be noted that this method of therapy is not suitable for all patients. People with heart failure, pregnant women, those who have discovered a malignant tumor, is worth to abandon the treatment of the water. All the rest, which has no contra-indications, you can choose one of the questions proposed to the bathrooms for the healing at home for psoriasis:

  • sapiens. The training should begin a day before the procedures. Three tablespoons sage pour a litre of water, and cook for an hour. The next day, boiled broth added to the water.
  • the lin. A liter of boiling water, pour 50 g of flax seed, insist, filter and add water. A tool to fight effectively against itching.
  • the forests of conifers. Dye of the needle added to water. Take this kind of bath of times in two days, and the time interval must not exceed 15 minutes. And here's the bath from the buds of pine tree is an excellent remedy for psoriasis on the elbows.
  • валериановые. 75 ml of tincture added to warm water. Take a bath for 10 minutes, not more.

The treatment of psoriasis on the head

The greatest discomfort recovering the psoriasis, striking the head with the hair. Leak it can, in its mildest form, but sometimes manifests a strong defeat of the skin. The treatment of psoriasis at the head of the house is done with the help of medicines and remedies:

The cure for psoriasis

Because there is not the most effective means, capable to cure the disease, in addition to the use of ointments, remedies and medications for psoriasis at home, strongly recommended to follow a good diet (and not only during the aggravation!). In the food should not come in products such as chocolate, citrus fruits, sugary drinks, alcohol, vegetables and fruits with a strong red color, foods containing dyes and preservatives. After the appearance of the ease, you can slowly begin to draw the limit, but to monitor closely the reaction of the body. If the question is asked, how to cure psoriasis at home for always, in addition to the receipt of the drug must make a few recommendations:

  • use of protection when working with aggressive substances during the harvest;
  • wearing a great clothing, avoiding the frequent contacts, and the friction of the fabric with the skin;
  • take a shower, cure, or neutral;
  • you can use the salt lamps, to add to the bathroom, crumbs or pieces of sea salt;
  • limit your stay in full sun, etc

The prayer of psoriasis

Each person in the treatment of disease chooses its own path of healing. Often, particularly devout people believe that the prayer of the psoriasis is able to cope with the disease for good. Believe it or not – each personally decides for himself. According to the beliefs of the text of the prayer to be read in the Thursday, or another party in the room of bath is located in the hammam:

My lord, my Savior, frees up my skin and my body from the corruption of the whole, of the disease of abject, leprosy villain. Purifies the soul and the heart of my thoughts infamous, desires, obscene, memory, anger, hostility dashing. As I forgive his assailants, and you, forgive me of my sins and release me from the disease of any. The Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.