The reasons of occurrence of psoriasis


A lot of people know about this rpandu and unpleasant disease such as psoriasis. A common disease among men and among women of almost all ages. Often diagnosed flakes ringworm, as it is called the disease in medical practice, and in children. The main symptoms of the disease are skin rashes in the form of rounded or oval patches on different parts of the body. The advantage of the cases, the disease affects the skin. The more often the psoriatic plaques occur on the elbows, knees, palms of the hands, feet, in the field of hair growth on the head, armpits, groin and the folds of the skin. However, the disease is able to address not only the dermis. There are aspects of the pathology, causing damage to the joints (psoriatic arthritis), as well as the nails of the man (psoriasis of the nail) and even the eyes.

The research in the area of psoriasis is long-standing, but until now the nature of the disease has not been clarified. Some experts link the pathology with the work of the immunity of man, others say that the real causes of the pathology is the stress and excessive emotional distress, others tend to believe in the appearance of the disease in consequence of the violation of metabolic processes in the body. The theories of the disease much, but none of them has no scientific proof. It is known only that the psoriasis, the reasons that today remain a mystery, refers to inflammatory communicable diseases of chronic nature.

The theory psoriasis

The reasons of the appearance of the psoriasis – it is a very controversial topic today, not giving the rest world scientific. Numerous laboratory and clinical studies can not give a scientific justification of development of the disease. All the theories are only hypothesis. In practice, they are confirmed only to a certain extent. Therefore, the remainder of this article will try to find an explanation for the development of this disease such as psoriasis with a scientific point of view. The reasons of occurrence of psoriasis to this day, explain the following theories:

  1. Immune.
  2. Hereditary.
  3. Endocrine.
  4. Viral.
  5. Neurogenic.
  6. Exchange.

They have all been developed on the basis of the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease as a result of several years of research for the psoriasis.

Immune theory

immune theory

The scientists believe that the cause of the disease is directly related to the immune protection of the man. This theory is one of the most common and reliable today. The representatives of this point of view argue that psoriasis occurs under the influence of such a concept, as an assault autoimmune. This process occurs as a result of the perception by the cells of the immunity of the cells in the dermis as aggressors. It is the perception of their exotic telephone number In the investigation of such a response, the particles of the skin highly inflamed and rejected. The process of rejection begins most often in the following cases:

  • frequent friction of the skin;
  • burns;
  • abrasion, scratches and other damage to the skin.

The study psoriatic scales method of biopsy was detected in some antigen complex, while in the blood can produce large quantities of antibodies. A part of this confirms the connection of the disease with immunity, but to prove completely the theory to the practice is not yet possible. It is considered that the infringement of the work of the natural protection of the human can be the one of the trigger factors for the occurrence of psoriasis.

The theory of heredity

The appearance of psoriasis also explains the theory of binding with a genetic predisposition. The proponents of this point of view, to affirm with confidence that the main reason for the onset of the disease is a hereditary factor. In other words, the disease is transmitted from a parent to a parent of the lineage.

The research in this area has shown that the cause of psoriasis may be a genetic predisposition, so that more than 60% of all patients were in their parents ' family, also suffering from the disease. Managed to include the following features:

  • if the psoriasis is sick, one of the parents, the likelihood of the occurrence of the disease of the child may be 25%;
  • in the case of the eruption regularly suffer both parents, the risk increases by more than half and is 75%.

The genetic theory of today, and even some confirmation in practice, is not fundamental. In many cases, calls for a patient to help with the exception of heredity is celebrated in the whole a number of other trigger factors of the disease.


endocrine theory

This theory suggests that the reasons for the onset of psoriasis can hide in the violation of the hormonal balance of the body. After having carefully reviewed the pathology, scientists have estimated that pathologically process of rapid division of the cells in the dermis of the man when the disease is related to a hormonal imbalance. Most often, these accidents occur as a result of various diseases of the organs of the endocrine system. It is, perhaps, the pathology of the thyroid, the pancreas, and the pituitary gland. Also the possible causes of hormonal dysfunction may act according to the state of the person:

  • of pregnancy.
  • ovulation;
  • taking certain hormonal drugs.

In practice, physicians have significant worsening of the disease during this period. However, in spite of such a link and would have the confirmation of theory and practice, fundamental and proven of its don't think.


The causes of the disease of psoriasis has long been associated with a relocation of the disease's viral nature, as well as with the presence of foci of chronic inflammation in the body. The basis of this theory, in fact, it is in the period of the evolution of the disease, caused by a or other virus, psoriasis considerable intensifies. Also known cases of primary to the development of psoriasis is a chronic disease of viral etiology. Refutes the theory that the result of these diseases is weakened considerably the immunity of the person, which may also be linked to the onset of psoriasis. Even a well-known fact is that psoriasis does not spread from person to person, hence, this theory does not have confirmation with a medical point of view.



The representatives of this point of view argue that often the psoriasis on the nervous system. Neurogenic theory secretes causes of psoriasis, are directly related to a state of psychosomatic man. This point of view is one of the most young and unproven in practice. Explains the theory of the development of the disease by the presence of one of the following states of the man:

  • the stress;
  • excessive excitement and experiences;
  • sleep disorders;
  • a strong fatigue.

The result of these disorders in man we observe the neurosis blood vessels, causing their contraction and, as a consequence of pass disturbance in the flow of blood to the tissues of the dermis. This failure is an opportunity on the body psoriatic lesions of different nature.

According to the statistics collected in the TWENTIETH century, a greater percentage of people with one form or another pathology, the precursor of the disease was exactly the stress.

The theory of the exchange

The causes of psoriasis and its treatment are now burning hot. Due to what appears to be psoriasis? This question gives no rest, or only patients, but doctors. The representatives of the theory of violations of metabolic processes bind to the development of pathology in violation of the rate functions of the body. During years of research of the disease and the myriad of laboratory tests, has managed to find a few signs, linking all the sick. The data obtained give every reason to believe that the reason for the appearance of the psoriasis is a malfunction of the metabolic processes of man. So, this is common:

  1. On the violation of the metabolic processes demonstrates the body temperature of the sick below the standard.
  2. In the body of the sick to higher levels of cholesterol and other substances as a negative, that a person in good health, naturally appear.
  3. The imbalance of vitamins. All patients with pathology of the vitamins of groups A and b are rare. However, vitamin c, conversely, in excess.

Exchange theory, and even some of the confirmation in practice, is not officially approved.

The triggering factors of the disease

To summarize, you must allocate a certain number of factors that can not only cause the disease, but also aggravate its course. So, what causes psoriasis, try to understand.

The spiritual reasons for psoriasis

Often, the onset of psoriasis bind with the stress and worries. For the exceptions, complications, doctors recommend limiting themselves to an excess of fatigue, high nervous tension and situations that may cause stress.

Infectious diseases

the infection

Cause primary development of the disease and its complications are capable of chronic inflammatory diseases. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, it is recommended that the time to treat infections, not to run the disease, seek medical help.


The reasons of occurrence of psoriasis in women is often associated with pregnancy. It is at this period in the body marked strong hormonal changes. Each mom-to-be, suffering from a disease, must be very attention to their health. The preventive measures include timely prenatal visits, avoidance of stress, nutrition, refusal of bad habits, the observance of the day.

Injury and damage to the skin

The causes of the disease are often found in the chemicals mechanical damage to the dermis. The different burns, injuries, scratches, and other repetitive strain injuries can become a factor to trigger the disease. Also the disease can develop as a result of the effect on the skin chemicals. For example, a variety of cleaning products. The people who deal with these matters, doctors recommend to wear protective gloves.

Bad habits


It has also been demonstrated a significant negative impact of bad habits over the course of the disease. The consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, and other types of drugs greatly exacerbates the time of psoriasis. It explains the relationship of the impact of the bad habits of the immunity of the patient.

The use of certain medications

A lot of medication able to bring you not only the benefits, but the prejudice. In psoriasis, the use of these drugs, such as certain types of antibiotics, immunostimulants, vitamin complexes may cause disorders of immunity. The result is a complication of the disease.

A poor diet

The daily diet of the man can also cause the development of pathology and its significant complications. Patients suffering from disease or having a predisposition to the disease is extremely important to monitor your diet. Food is recommended to remove the bold, poignant, deep-fried, smoked, too salty. Nutritionists recommend to give preference to food cooked to the steam, as well as the method of cooking. On the table should be a sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, dairy products.

Therefore, the causes of psoriasis are very varied. Cause disease are capable of a lot of factors. But it is not necessary to think that psoriasis is a sentence. The treatment in a timely manner, the responsible attitude towards his body, the adjustment of the regime of the day and of the power, will face to the disease and to exclude complications in the future.