Psoriasis: the first step of the

The sooner people will understand that it is psoriasis, and begins appropriate treatment, the greater the chances that the disease is not running in the form. To determine exactly what you are experiencing the symptoms, it is this disease of skin, need to know what it's like the initial phase of psoriasis. The disease has specific features that allow to establish a diagnosis. Find out more about them, you will be able to our article below, you will find not only a description of the symptoms, but the photo of the initial phase of psoriasis.

How begins the psoriasis and this disease

Psoriasis is a cutaneous inflammatory disease of nature, to heal that which is impossible. Once the face of the disease, the man to become his hostage for a lifetime.

The disease develops due to the poor immune response of the organism to a variety of stimuli both internal and external. The causes of psoriasis include trauma to the dermis, the violation of the metabolic processes of the body, the weakening of the immunity, strong cooling, and many other reasons.

The symptoms of psoriasis of the skin is easy enough to be confused with a variety of dermatitis, because many of the skin pathology are accompanied by the advent of the rash red spots on body that itch and flake off. In order to distinguish the disease from others, it is important to know what looks like psoriasis of the initial phase.

The initial stage of psoriasis

The first step in the psoriasis is accompanied by training on different parts of the body psoriatic lesions or multiple of the unity of nature. On the body, the hands, the legs, the face appear typical red or pale pink spots which more often than not have clearly defined boundaries. Clear boundaries, you can see on the photo of psoriasis in the article.

How to manifest the psoriasis

Many patients wonder how to distinguish between psoriasis of the skin diseases such as eczema, allergies? To answer this question is impossible. The main feature is the location of the latter. Psoriatic patches in most cases, appear on areas of the body unusual allergic rash. Psoriasis affects the space, which are mechanical friction, for example, clothing, shoes.

In order to understand how to manifest the psoriasis, it is necessary to study in detail the phase of development of the pathology.

The phase of development of psoriasis

The disease is characterized by chronicity, which includes periods of exacerbation of symptoms and remissions. The discount of the manifestations of psoriasis usually occurs during the warmer months of the year, under the effect of the sun's rays. In the winter, at the end of the fall and early spring, the symptoms of the disease worsen.

There are three stages of development of this disease:

  • Progressive stage (initial) of psoriasis manifests itself in the form of the characteristic of the rash is reddish pink in color, that appears on the skin. At the beginning of the disease, the rash is small, its diameter is of a few millimeters, but as the disease progresses, the place of defeat increases due to drain individual lesions in a great spot. The result of this, formed a so-called psoriatic insert roundness of the sites of lesions, warm to the touch and a little rise above the skin in good health. Around affected areas of you will notice reddened inflamed. Rash accompanied by itching. Its intensity varies in each case: some patients almost do not suffer from itching, while others have skin in the case of psoriasis strongly itches. And then begins the peeling of the affected areas.
  • After the stage begins a period of relative stability. New eruptions do not appear already, the old dry and reduces itching.
  • The period is manifested in the decrease in the number of lesions. Of the affected areas gradually separated from previously formed scabs or plaque (depending on the type of psoriasis), to expose them in a smooth layer of pink leather. In some cases, on old lesions remain areas of depigmentation.

The symptoms of the initial phase of psoriasis

The first signs of the disease depend on the type of disease. Below, we look at how to recognise psoriasis of the initial phase in the different cases.

  • Pustular (pericardial). The initial stage of this kind of psoriasis is characterized by the appearance on the skin of small vesicles or blisters filled with a transparent or yellowish liquid. Usually, the disease begins abruptly, in some cases, the first signs of the pathology may manifest itself even in a few hours. Rash local skin accompanied by fever, headache, weakness, nausea. The blisters may cause itching, but combing is not recommended. If the bubble reveal, in the cavity can become infected, which can lead to inflammation and suppuration. In addition, in place of the scratch may remain unsightly scars, and scarring. By the development of the disease number of lesions increases, separate the bubbles merge into a large "lake", the skin around them strongly reddens and becomes hot. With time, the blisters burst and in their place are formed the dry scab red, pink or white.
  • Vulgar (uneven, usual, ordinary). It is the most common type of psoriasis. The first degree is easy to learn: the skin appear rounded reddish sites, slightly dominant in the health of the skin is fine. The outer contour of these eruptions is clearly visible: it has the color red of inflammation, which began around the eruption. The diameter of the rash on the initial phase may vary from 1 to many do With time, they grow in size and combine with the adjacent areas defeats, forming what are called psoriatic plaques. Little by little, on the platelet surface appears to be characteristic of the plate white or grey, which resembles the paraffin melted. Thanks to this analogy psoriatic plaques have received the name of "paraffin lakes". The plate has a loose structure and is easily scraped off, uncovering under the smooth skin of red or pink. At the continuation of the procedure she begins to drop to bleed (the so-called phase "clot of dew"). During the development of the disease psoriatic blister dry out and with time stand out. Under them, you can see the red or areas of depigmentation of the skin.
  • Drop-to-drop (norman). This is the second on the prevalence (after vulgar) type of the disease. The first step in the psoriasis teardrop type is characterized by the appearance on the body of the patient small (1 to 3 mm in diameter) lesions – papules. Outwardly, they look like drops of red. First, the number of the papules, and their size may not fear. However, as the progression of the disease, the rash is more: with time, they can cover almost the entire body. Changes the size of the papules: if at the beginning of the disease, the diameter is equal to 1 mm and 3 mm, and then after a certain time, they are based in large patches up to size 10, during the initial phase of psoriasis drop-in type of papules usually do not ignite, but if they scratch it, it can become infected: this leads to inflammation and suppuration. As the disease progresses, the blisters dry out, they tops are dry white scales.
  • Seborrheic psoriasis of the scalp. The defeat suffered by the scalp, the forehead, the neck, in the area of the nape of the neck, of the land near the ears. The main sign of the initial phase of scalp psoriasis – the appearance of greasy white or yellow scales that look like dandruff. The skin is very scaly, itchy and itching of the area around the peeling red and inflamed. In some cases, may be scabbing, purulent. Progressive stage of the disease can offer a man a great physical and psychological discomfort. By doing this, the hair, the patient is usually do not suffer: they do not fall and have the same growth rate, which has been observed in the disease. The defeat is subject exclusively to the skin of the scalp.
  • Palmo-plantar. This type of psoriasis strikes of the palm and fingers of the hand, as well as the sole of the patient. The rash may be presented as pustules and infiltrated inserts. The other parts of the body of the patient is usually suffering from psoriatic arthritis of the eruption. The characteristic feature of the initial phase of psoriasis on the hands and the feet – of the gross violations of the scales dry, beneath which is a reddish to pink skin, prone to hemophilia. Also the disease of the primary phase is often accompanied by the formation of deep cracks are painful.
  • Psoriasis of the nail plate. The initial step in this form of the disease is characterized by the appearance on the plate of the nail holes and the furrows, thickening of the nail, small petechiae under the nail, change its color to white or yellow. The skin around the nail is often red and inflamed. Still a version of the evolution of the progressive disease of the general direction of the nail from the nail.
  • The psoriatic arthritis. The disease is capable of hitting not only the skin but also the joints. The more often the first stage of the disease manifest after the first signs of psoriasis of the skin. The joints become deformed, their flexion and extension becomes painful and problematic.
  • Psoriasis of the mucous membranes. After the defeat of the skin, the disease can move on to the mucous membranes. Most often exposed to the defeat of the inner surface of the cheeks and genitals. Is the first step in the psoriatic lesions of the mucous membrane may be the appearance of them crusts of white, surrounded by red inflamed sites.

Psoriasis in children: the first step of the

psoriasis in children

The danger of the onset of this disease in childhood is due to the fact that the parents and even some doctors may wrongly take the demonstrations to the symptoms of allergies simple atopic dermatitis. You can examine the features of psoriasis in children on the photo. The first stage of the disease is somewhat different from the adult of the option: the disease appears first in the skin folds, and is accompanied by a maceration with the horny layer of the skin.

The initial stage of the psoriasis: treatment

It is important to know exactly what to heal the initial phase of psoriasis on the face, elbows, head and other areas of the body to prevent the progression of the disease. Depending on the type, localization and intensity of lesions doctor will recommend the use of corticosteroids, sedatives and protivozudnam of medication. Are also used the local tools of creams, ointments, sprays. Their goal is to softening of psoriatic crusts, to feed the dry skin and combat inflammation.

Is it possible to cure psoriasis of the initial phase at home remedies popular?

the treatment of the initial phase of psoriasis

If the disease is at an early stage, the treatment of ways can give a positive result. But in all cases, you must first consult with the doctor concerning the security or the other.

Usually, for the treatment of psoriasis on the initial phase of the house use the birch tar, propolis powder, baking soda, the juice of celandine, decoctions of herbs. The positive effect gives the use of natural plant oils – sea buckthorn, olive, sunflower-seed oil. You can also use essential oils – lavender, rosemary, tea tree. In regards to the ways to treat it, it can be bath, lotion, compresses, rinsing, preparation of domestic, ointments and lotions.