Is it possible to sunbathe in the sun in psoriasis?

A disease like psoriasis is able to provide a lot of evil to his master, since its external manifestations, certainly, have left their mark on the quality of life of the patient. In addition, the psoriatic plaques are accompanied by severe itching and a burning sensation, which worsens the situation.


The disease has a chronic and quite long and difficult to heal. In winter, the skin manifestations, you can hide under clothing, but with the beginning of the beach season, when is planned for a vacation to the sea, many women and men are troubled by the question of whether sun bathing in psoriasis and the sun will have an impact on the development of the disease?

Are they compatible sun and psoriasis?

Generally, psoriasis is fast it is in summer. Most often this is due to beneficial in the influence of the effect of the sea water, the air and the sun. In the summer, the state of the skin of the patient is significantly improved, as well as the exposure to uv radiation inhibits the development of pathological processes on the surface of the skin.

Recently, more and more emphasis on the close relationship of psoriasis and the amount of vitamin D in the body of the patient. Everyone knows that vitamin D is given to children at an early age as a preventive measure against the development of rickets.

However, few people know that lack of vitamin D in the blood of patients suffering from psoriasis (in particular in the cold of the race), contributes to the worsening of the disease.

Therefore, dermatologists recommend to take a sun bath, because the effects of ultraviolet light to facilitate the regeneration of the skin with plaques, as well as the healing of open wounds.

However, it should be remembered that the sun must be assayed, that is why it is recommended to take in the sun at certain hours, so as not to cause a burning of the skin. In the result of psoriasis refers to diseases that are autoimmune, in the case of congestion, the tanning, there is a risk of development of cancer of the skin with premature aging of the skin.

It is necessary to take into account that there is not less than 5% of patients with photosensitive form of psoriasis of the skin. Most often in these patients, the psoriasis with allergic lesions of the skin resulting from an increased sensitivity to the sun. These patients, on the contrary, it is recommended to protect oneself against the rays of the sun.

The rules of tanning

When psoriatic, events, it is appropriate to take a sun bath just after the consultation with the doctor. The first day of vacation to the sea to enjoy the sun is not more than 10 minutes. Depending on the duration of the tan, you can increase. However, the total time of exposure to the sun must not exceed half an hour.

On the sea, it is recommended to take the sun in the morning (5 to 11 hours) and in the afternoon (16 to 20 hours). The most dangerous period of time between 12 hours and 14. At this moment the sun is more active, if possible, it is necessary to avoid the direct light of the sun. In addition, it can defend itself against the sun thanks to the measures of protection creams and lotions.

Psoriatic insert, it is recommended to treat the ointments, which enabled pyrithionine of zinc.

By contrast, the stay in full sun is part of the need to use sunglasses, lotions and creams, so that the most outside of the drugs include features that could exacerbate the symptoms of psoriasis. Positions of elements can interact with other drugs, appointed for the removal of the psoriatic plaques.

This is why glasses drugs must choose the dermatologist because a lot of them have side effects and require an individual approach to the patient.

The beneficial properties of the sun in psoriasis

The sun's rays have the following effects on the skin, psoriasis:

  • ultraviolet a slow deplete the effect of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • the sun causes the body to a strengthening of the protection of the force;
  • activates the regeneration of tissue;
  • reduces the scaling, and the education of psoriatic plaques;
  • relieves the itching.

Sun contribute to the thickening of the skin, which increases the intake of oxygen in the lymph, followed by a long remission.

The possibility to use the solarium in psoriasis

Artificial ultraviolet light quite effective when it is used for patients with psoriasis, especially in winter.

UV procedure can be used in two forms:

  1. UVB. In this case we use the short-wave ultraviolet light.
  2. PUVA. In this format, uses a wavelength of radiation photosensitizers (Psoralen) of natural origin.

The use of a solarium in the treatment of psoriasis to this day refers to the popular methods of treatment and expresses one of the following actions:

  • a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes the production of endorphins (hormone of happiness), which reflects positively on the central nervous system;
  • a solarium is also capable of removing the acute symptoms of manifestations on the skin;
  • when obtaining a artificial tanning causes the production of vitamin D, which neutralizes the effect of the nervousness and the stress state in the body. These indicators relate to one of the causes of the development of the disease.

Recommendations during the visit to the solarium

In the first place, it is necessary to take into account that the sun terrace and the sunbathing can not replace a full treatment in the case of psoriasis, so before starting the use of these procedures, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.

You must comply with the following conditions:

  • you can't take advantage of the solarium in the acute phase of the evolution of the disease, as the body of the patient is weakened, and an increased sensitivity of the skin can cause burns;
  • for the treatment of disease, preferably, choose a vertical solarium, which is much more efficient than horizontal;
  • stay in the photo booth may be no more than 6 minutes;
  • better take advantage of the solarium by day;
  • a course of treatment with the solarium must not exceed 25 sessions of 5 to 7 minutes.

It is important to note that certain drugs and cosmetics are capable of inducing an acute, allergic reaction that, in the future, lead to an increased sensitivity of the skin in the solarium and in the sun. Therefore, before you enjoy a solarium, as well as a trip to the seaside, you wish a consultation with your doctor.


In the treatment the sun there is a positive side and negative. Despite its useful properties, the uv rays in case of incorrect use can cause a sunburn, in the form of watery blisters on the skin. This condition results in the strengthening of the itching. The result of this, it is often enough observed the accession of secondary infection. In addition, the ultraviolet light sche the skin, which leads to premature aging and the formation of benign and malignant tumors.


The case of the photo-sensitive psoriasis light therapy should be administered under the supervision of a specialist. In other cases, it is necessary to observe moderation. The more solar lends itself well to the therapy tear form of psoriasis, which explains a minimum of a rash on the skin.

It is recommended to take the sun doses, preferably in the morning and in the evening, avoiding the influence aggressive of the sun. In this case, if you are invited to relax on the sea, you can replace your vacation in the closest to the observance of all safety rules.

It is important to remember that therapy, like all treatments, should be performed only after consulting your doctor. It is able to cause the negative effects on the skin.