What looks like psoriasis on different parts of the body

Psoriasis refers to skin diseases of nature, which is difficult to treat, especially if it is of stages of the pathology. For a rapid diagnosis of the disease it is important to recognize the psoriasis is at its initial stage. Quickly after you have corrected the problem, and began a therapy of the disease, you can avoid many of the complications of the disease in the future.

what looks like psoriasis of the initial phase

What looks like psoriasis is in the initial phase

On the skin of the man often appear eruptions of a different nature. A rash may occur on the background of allergic reactions, lesions of the skin, but there are symptoms that should alert every person. They include:

  1. The development of bright red or pink spots with clear boundaries. If the rashes are appeared due to lesions of the dermis, for example, after the scratches, the burns, he must immediately make an appointment with the dermatologist.
  2. The spots begin to peel and itch. These signs are more likely to indicate the development of psoriasis.
  3. Pruritus is not always inherent to the disease, then even the red spots on the body should be a ground of appeal to a doctor.

In the first stages of the pathology characterized by the appearance of the eruption of a small diameter. When the disease is in the form of drops of diameter of the plates does not exceed the size of a match head. Psoriasis vulgaris is accompanied by papules, larger in size. The patches attain the diameter of coins of 5 cents, is progressing quickly, the merging between them.

Particular attention should be paid to the colour and nature of the peeling. In psoriasis dead skin can have a silver or a shade of brown. When you try to scrape off the scales in most cases, the peeling is enhanced.

Understand what it's like starting the psoriasis, it is necessary to consider the phenomenon of the disease, as the triad of psa. The triad call a set of symptoms which may testify to the presence of psoriasis in humans. Its main events are 3 steps:

  1. Stearic spot - the appearance of the stage, covered with small silvery or whitish scales. During the removal of the peeling is enhanced. This is the name of phenomenon was due to the resemblance with Stearin.
  2. Terminal film - after the removal of flaky skin, it manifests as a smooth, thin surface, it is the so-called incurable film. The skin in this area is very thin, is easily damaged.
  3. Bloody rosa bleeding appears due to damage of the film. Most often bleeding is minor, the drops are pronounced on the edges of the stain.

The initial stage of the disease lasts from a few days to a few weeks. In the stage of progress of the pathology is developing rapidly, the pads are on the increase in the amount of precipitation affect all the major sites.

To avoid the development of the disease it is important to seek a qualified medical help it is in the early stages of the pathology.

What looks like psoriasis on the head

looks like pariah on the head

A lot of people wondering what it looks like psoriasis on the head? The initial phase of psoriasis of the head resembles the shape of the appearance of a slight desquamation of the line the growth of the hair and the skin of the head. With time, the hair becomes stronger, appear typical of the disease papules, which itch, and bring the patient considerable discomfort. The dermis in places of defeat compacted, it hurts. The hair does not fall, because the defeat affects only the upper layers of the epidermis, not hitting the hair follicles.

Scalp psoriasis is often accompanied by a complication, such as membership of a bacterial and a fungal infection. This condition requires immediate medical treatment, often serious health problems.

What looks like psoriasis on the body

The character psoriatic lesions depends on the type of the disease. The more often the pads appear to be in the places of friction of the skin. It is such sites, like the elbows, knees, palms, feet, groin, armpits. Consider the symptoms characteristic of certain types of diseases:

  1. Teardrop psoriasis is accompanied by the appearance of spots of small diameter, similar in appearance with drops. For this type of disease is not always characteristic flaking and itching.
  2. Tabula - the most common type of the disease, which is accompanied by the appearance on the skin patches quite large in size, that are moving rapidly, the merging between them.
  3. Pustular - a severe form of the disease, characterized by the appearance of plaques, and filled with purulent exudo. Pustular sight and requires immediate treatment, such as a high risk for the development of psoriatic erythroderma.
  4. psoriatic erythroderma is a condition resulting due to poor or delays in the treatment of other forms of pathology. When the psoriatic patches are hiding large areas of the skin. Often dermatitis causes severe consequences and even death.
  5. Psoriasis of the nails - apparently the manifestations of the pathology are very similar with the fungus of the nail. When the nail plate deformed, condenses, loses the shine. Often in cases of nail loss.
what looks like psoriasis on the body

There are atypical forms of psoriasis. With them, the symptoms of the disease is very difficult to diagnose, even to an experienced technician. Do not try to make a diagnosis at home.

What looks like psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands also depend on the shape of the pathology. Most often spots appear on the palms of the hands, between the fingers. Not to confuse scaly ringworm with other dermatologic diseases, it is essential to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

What looks like psoriasis on the feet

The more often a rash on the feet manifest in the form of small papules that arise on your feet, knees. Platelets are rapidly propagated over the entire surface of the feet. Feet and knees are not the only places the location of the plates. The rash can occur anywhere.

What looks like psoriasis on the face

Often the disease occurs in the face of the man. The patches may appear on the forehead, the chin, the cheeks, the eyelids, in the area of the nosogubnoy the folds and even the lining of the mouth.

what looks like psoriasis on the hands feet and face

The stains were single or multiple in nature, the shape of the pads depends on the type of pathology. Often, the psoriasis on the face is a consequence of the defeat of the scalp. Psoriasis on the face is very unpleasant, because it is this part of the body is constantly in mind.

Looks like palmo-plantar psoriasis

Palmo-plantar psoriasis is one of the most common forms of the pathology, because it is of the palm and the soles of its feet lend themselves to the constant friction and the frequency of shocks. Characteristic symptoms of the disease of this type is the process by which the skin becomes more rough, the appearance on it blisters, peeling. Many patients are not in a hurry to speak to a doctor, considering the condition of the skin normal because of the professional activity.

Complicated palmo-plantar psoriasis due to damage of the plates, in which the skin splits, bleeds, often, joined to a bacterial infection.

To avoid these complications, it is essential to begin treatment of the pathology.

as seems to psoriasis

What looks like psoriasis in children

Children psoriasis is a phenomenon rather rare. Skin rashes in children is often confounded with diathesis and other dermatitis. Diagnose the presence of a pathology in a child can only an experienced specialist, as in children, psoriasis is often in atypical form.

The psoriasis of the child can occur at any age. The pads appear on the same places as in adults, but are not always accompanied by flaking and itching. A very rare phenomenon in children of psoriasis on the scalp. According to the statistical data of this type, the child develops after age 10.

To avoid the complications of the disease, you need to show the child's doctor during the onset of the slightest rash on the body.

The treatment of psoriasis

The tactics of the treatment of the disease still depends on the nature of the pathology and of its flow rate. In the early stages of the patient is the most often prescribed funds in the form of ointments, designed for outside application. In most cases, use of the following medications:

  • the salicylic acid ointment;
  • sulfuric;
  • zinc paste;
  • ointments solidol;
  • tar ointments.
what looks like psoriasis in children

During the acute phase of the pathology and of the defeat of large patches of skin, doctors prescribe medication hormonal base.

Of particular importance in the treatment of the pathology physiotherapy. Popular methods of physiotherapy treatment include:

  1. Electric.
  2. The uv exposure.
  3. PUVA-therapy.
  4. X-ray treatments.
  5. The magnetic therapy.
  6. The laser treatment.
  7. Diadynamic therapy.
  8. Selective therapy.

A good effect in the treatment of the pathology gives of the mud and of residence in terms of retirement.

Psoriasis is a serious disease, requiring literacy and treatment in a timely manner. Unfortunately, to date, has not opened the methods capable of completely get rid of the human pathology. Achieve remission stable, you can when the combination of several of the activities of treatment and a healthy lifestyle. Pay special attention to your health and the performance of all the requirements of the doctor allows to keep your skin in good condition and avoid many of the negative effects in the future.