Shampoos for psoriasis: the most effective, how to wash the head

Psoriasis is to head to the usual order not to damage the hair, but manifests itself difficult to cope with the itching. Because of combing, papules traumatic for the patient coverage, and in their place new elements. In order to avoid a worsening of the symptoms of the illness, doctors prescribe special shampoos. These tools have antiseptic properties, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal.

shampoo for psoriasis

Types of shampoos for psoriasis

If the course of the disease, heavy, plate became dense, the crust extends over the whole head. The lesions appear on the line of the hair growth. The elements can enter on the forehead and the ears. The main problem with this disease is one of the cosmetic defects in the form of peeling, resulting in violations of the socialization. Even more serious problem for the patient may become s militarist itching.

Many of the news of the tool or of the therapy are ineffective in the case of psoriasis of the scalp: the hair, avoid the contact of medicinal substances with injuries.

Hair needs more maintenance. Of the shampoo to choose on the basis of risk substances for the following actions:

  • remove the pain;
  • soften;
  • relieve the inflammation;
  • eliminate the fungi.

What shampoo to the head wash for psoriasis? The most popular and recognized types of shampoos are listed below:

  • tar;
  • anti-fungal;
  • drug therapy;
  • care beauty;
  • children;
  • hormonal.

Before use, it is important to study the composition of the fund. In the shampoos the classic one sodium lauryl has high dermatological stiffness. It aggravates the inflammation, destroying the protection of the cover. Fragrances, dyes, preservatives, cause skin irritations and allergies that the pathology is not valid.

The best option for the patient with psoriasis of the head — products emollients components of the oleate of glyceryl, Cocoamid of the DEA, the Concentration of sodium Sodium Cocoyl Glutamate and other. Usually, it's special neutral or shampoos.

The most effective of the substance of these products: coal tar, salicylic acid, herbal extracts, natural oils.

Therapeutic shampoos

In the shampoos for psoriasis contains ingredients that help to eliminate the symptoms of the pathology (zinc, ihtiolovaja, salicylic acid).

Also, effective products with zinc (form zinc with fungicide and antibacterial). The substance is able to slow down the production of skin cells, reduce the manifestations of flaking and itching. Pyrithione zinc is one of the most effective components of therapeutic shampoos, because it has fewer side effects and is not harmful for the hair. It can apply to periods of remission for the prevention, but only on doctor's prescription.

Tar shampoos

Tar shampoo psoriasis quite effective and not expensive tool. But some patients may refuse to use it because of the pigmentation of the skin, hair, and pungent. In the composition contains birch, pine, genivre the tar. The active substances penetrate to the wound, the cover, filmed the most worrisome symptoms: burning sensation, scaling, itching. Are shampoos different concentrations: 1%-20%. Usually, they are used twice a week. Tar shampoos are less effective than hormonal or therapeutic, but the side effects and spontaneous recurrence of the pathology, patients note less after its application.

The tar inhibits the DNA synthesis of the cells, corrects a defect of differentiation in keratinocytes of patients with psoriasis, has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory.

Shampoos anti-fungal

The action of shampoos, anti-fungal effect is not usually sent directly to the get rid of psoriasis. But the yeast fungi (in particular of the genus Candida, Malassezia) can grow and become one of the triggers of the pathology due to inflammation and trauma of the coverage.

These shampoos combat successfully with the fungal infection. Very effective services of fungicides are and local corticosteroids. Anti-fungal products for psoriasis on the head contain:

  • pyrithione zinc, selenium sulfide, propylene glycol;
  • synthesis;

Hormonal shampoos for psoriasis

Hormonal shampoos relieve inflammation and itching, constriction of blood vessels. Positive results arrive quickly, side effects when it is correctly applied, virtually did not exist. But these tools should not exceed four weeks.

a shampoo

The most effective propionate 0.05%, betamethasone dipropionate 0,05%. They are classified in the group of powerful and effective steroid with a high risk of occurrence of side effects.

Baby shampoos

Products for psoriasis for kids not content to perfumes, dyes, harmful components. In a good child of the shampoo are only medicinal and useful substances, which have the effect of the most beneficial on the skin of the head of the baby with the symptoms of psoriasis.

Effective shampoo for psoriasis can affect only a specialist. Bad therapy will lead to multiple relapses and complications.