What to do during the exacerbation of psoriasis?

The exacerbation of a psoriasis is one of the most serious problems in patients with this disease. What to do in case of aggravation? The symptomatology in the negative accompanied by a psychological discomfort of the patient, and it REQUIRES a MEDICAL INTERVENTION.

The causes of the evolution of psoriatic flare-ups quite varied. Often, relapses are, in the absence of triggering of reasons, it is spontaneously. Therefore, in order to understand how to remove the exacerbation of psoriasis, it is necessary to understand the triggering factors.

the reasons

The factors contributing to the development of psoriasis

The causes of psoriatic flare-ups until the end has not been studied. Relapses are able to be accompanied by the symptomatology negative and last a long time.

The more often causing the development of the exacerbation may:

  • an excessive physical activity;
  • situations of stress, emotional disorders;
  • chronic infections of the body;
  • if the patient has disorders of the endocrine system;
  • the abrupt change of climatic conditions;
  • a poor diet;
  • long-term use of certain drugs;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • irritation of household products and cosmetics.

The aggravation is possible at any time of the year, but more often the psoriasis can occur in the fall and winter. Perhaps it is because during summer, the ultraviolet rays natural have an impact positively on the patient's skin, the word in the context of the prevention of the development of psoriasis.

In the same period of the worsening of psoriasis (in autumn and in winter) LACK of SUNLIGHT AND exposure to LOW TEMPERATURES. Therefore, it is usually in this period, increased the rate of development of viral diseases, reducing the immune system and, therefore, weaken the body, making it vulnerable.

It should be noted that sometimes atypical cases where the psoriasis is exacerbated in spring and summer. In this case, the exposure to the sun causes the inflammatory process on the skin. In these patients, it is recommended that the maximum summer and protect the skin against the sun's rays.

The symptomatology of development of the exacerbation

Usually, the relapse of psoriasis are characterized by next symptoms:

  • formation of papules, after the disappearance, in which the skin is pale pink film;
  • in addition, the papules have of injury to the skin;
  • the patient's skin to blush, appears s militarist itching and flaking;
  • emphasizes the feeling of dryness and tightness of the skin.

At the onset of such symptoms is necessary to consult a dermatologist because the treatment helps in a timely manner to stop the worsening of development of psoriasis.

the symptoms

The worsening of the disease during pregnancy and after childbirth

In the period of pregnancy in patients with psoriasis in the worsening of may be 10 to 20% of cases, and the improvement of the general condition can be observed at the end of the first quarter (50% of cases). Final causes of this disease up to the end has not been elucidated, but it is known that high levels of estrogen and progesterone is produced in this state, has immunosuppressive action, and the rate of cortisol contribute to anti-inflammatory exposed.

Assume the exacerbation of a psoriasis of pregnancy, as well as his absence may be, in light of the history of previous pregnancies. Generally, in 87% of cases, followed by pregnancy, similar to the previous one. A lot of moms-to-be concerned with the question of what to DO WHEN EXACERBATION of PSORIASIS AND HOW to AVOID it?

It is important to remember that the patient with a predisposition to psoriatic manifestations need during pregnancy is constantly seen in the treating physician. In the contrary case, the exacerbation of psoriasis symptoms can lead to an early childbirth and to the birth of a child suffering from malnutrition.

The hormonal changes a woman's body after childbirth and breastfeeding can give a "restoration" (the rebound effect), when the psoriasis develops at an accelerated pace. This is explained by the fact that the body after childbirth globally rebuilt. From 16 respondents, the patients after delivery, 6 women with psoriasis is intensified bass. 8 there has been an average of aggravation, and 2 young women following childbirth, psoriasis is not shown.

Generally, after childbirth is not recommended to administer a drug treatment (excluding pathological cases), because there is a likelihood of infringement of the drug in the breast milk to the child.

The treatment of an exacerbation of a psoriasis

Because the causes of the aggravation can be very varied, dealing with illness needs to be integrated. For this need a special diet, physiotherapy, medication of the tool and prevention.


NUTRITION. The basis of the treatment during the exacerbation of the psoriasis is a diet that is hypoallergenic, it is therefore necessary to revise the diet, and include more of dairy products. A positive impact in the case of psoriasis herbal a diet in which you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, which allows you to adjust the performance of the LINE. In addition, the plan recommends the inclusion in the menu of fish, cooked without oil and bread with bran added.

In the period of exacerbation of the disease can not eat salty, smoked, fatty, fried and canned food. The diet is also forbidden to eat fast-foods and semi-finished products of drinking soft drinks sweet. We can not accept alcohol beverages.

THE DRUG THERAPY. It is necessary to take into account that the treatment is accompanied by the taking of sedative, immune, anti-allergy drugs and enterosorbents. In a development of the symptomatology is assigned to a hormone treatment.

The traditional treatment includes:

  • are appointed by the sedatives, because, in the period of aggravation of the stressful situation and the emotional burden can lead to complications of the disease;
  • for the lifting of the swelling and horrible itching, it is recommended to receive antihistamines;
  • to eliminate toxins from the body are assigned to chelating agents;
  • the restoration of the intestinal flora is achieved with the aid of special products.

In addition, the exacerbation of a medical doctor may prescribe you a receipt with folic acid and lipoic acid, which contribute to the accelerated regeneration of the skin and the vitamins.

The APPLICATION OF the EXTERIOR FACILITIES. Neutralize acute symptoms of psoriasis, you can outside medications, the treatment which is recommended in the first place. The positive effect during exacerbation have ointments:

  • sulfuric;
  • salicylic;
  • zinc;
  • the exterior of the tool with the inclusion of tar and solidol.

The therapy of the acute form of psoriasis means has properties antiseptic and anti-inflammatory impact, the acceleration of the exfoliation of the scales. It is important to remember that the treatment (local and general) shall be made only after consulting with your physician, as some medications can have a side effect and self-medication, could lead to a negative result.

PHYSIOTHERAPY. During the exacerbation of the psoriasis symptomatology show the following activities:

  • cryotherapy low temperatures greatly reduce the process of inflammation;
  • phototherapy — ultraviolet rays inhibit the immune system's activity, affecting the treatment process;
  • girudoterapiya — the use of leeches more efficient at worsening of psoriatic arthritis.

In addition, doctors recommend treating the psoriatic worsening in the resorts of the Black and the Dead sea, where the climate is more favourable.

FOLK METHODS OF TREATMENT. Almost all patients with this disease for a long period of time know how to remove it from the exacerbation of psoriasis with traditional medicine.

the traditional methods

The most popular recipes during the:

  • at home, it is recommended to prepare lotions from a mixture of herbs (licorice, burdock root, marsh reed, the nettle and the series), which come in an equal amount. A mix of herbs (1 tsp) brewed with hot water and left to cool, and then in a solution of wet net towel and apply to the inflamed site of the skin;
  • very often, when the aggravation use a cream, internal lard + dry grass toadflax. The grease pre-waterlogged and adds the one-to-one, after which the ointment to cool and used;
  • to enhance the therapeutic effect at home, it is recommended to use a bath of sea salts.

It must be remembered that quickly cure psoriasis can not, but if all of the conditions (feeding, prevention and drug therapy), the likelihood of achieving the long-term remission is quite high.