Psoriasis or eczema

When the man appear rash on the skin, some are unaware for a long time, given that they "will". If you neglect the first signs of such serious diseases as psoriasis or eczema, the consequences can be bad. To the dermatologist will not be difficult to distinguish one from the other and find an appropriate treatment. But the opportunity to speak to experts, it is not always. That will help you to determine the type of lesions and to understand if it is psoriasis or eczema?

The similarities between psoriasis and eczema

Between the manifestations of psoriasis and eczema there are truly obvious to the naked eye, the similarities, due to the presence of which many confuse these diseases. And the one and the other, illness strikes piderme. Moreover, for the psoriasis and eczema is characterized by the same areas of the body that suffer first. In both cases, the palms and feet (in about 80% of the cases).

Another similarity is that both of these diseases can occur in a variety of forms. For example, for them, perhaps the characteristic desquamation abundant. The same is the pathogenesis of these two diseases. Cause their return may share the same reasons: excessive alcohol consumption and poor diet, hormonal disturbances, problems with the immune system of the body, etc

What is the difference of psoriasis, eczema?


All the same, the differences between psoriasis and eczema more similarities. If similar of the disease is mostly of the appearances, their difference is obvious, more closely, the observation of the evolution of the disease.

For psoriasis is characterized by effects that are not observed in eczema:

  • Stearin macula. Obviously, in this case, when remove higher scales. More remove, the more you receive new;
  • The effect of wet film. If we remove absolutely all of the scales with a plate, on its surface will remain visible a film of liquid transparent color with a pinkish tinge;
  • Bloody rosa. If you turn off and the film formed after the removal of the scales, spots of small size.

Dermatologists do not pay attention to the other pronounced differences:

  • eczema is more strongly manifested by itching and burning;
  • the patches of eczema do not have a circuit, but not on psoriatic platelets;
  • the cortex of the fever, eczema, gray, and yellow, and psoriasis white;
  • eczema affects soft areas of the skin (e.g., wrinkles), and the psoriasis is solid (for example, knees, elbows);
  • the surface of psoriasis dry, the skin is too dry and in the areas around the plaques and eczema it is wet.

To diagnose one thing or another disease, you must know its features:

  1. Characteristics of psoriasis. The disease is manifested by skin rashes, which may reach up to 70% of the parcel only of the skin. The spots of very dry, flaky skin and red or even bright bordeaux shade. There are certain parts of the body, which is extremely rare hits of the eczema, but often the psoriasis – nail plate, and scalp. Characteristics of psoriasis, of the recognition that it is sufficient to work with one of the plates is the "triad" of the above effects: the effect of spot of stearin, wet film, and a bloody dew;
  2. Characteristics of eczema. The eruptions were not of outline, and of a certain form. The disease strikes the nail plate, so that this part of the body is too hard. Eczema has many forms, including: sildenafil, microbial atopic. The last of them is the most common, it is linked to problems in the functioning of the immune system of the body. Often, eczema develops on a background of severe depressions, collections, stress and other psychological problems. Often, treatment becomes more difficult due to secondary infection – when combing spots occurs the infection.

What is allergic dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis is a common cause of a skin disease. The inflammatory process that causes, is linked to the impact of the stimulus, the allergen, which is not tolerated by the body. This substance can be absolutely any item, and the problem is not in and of itself, but in the way he individually responds the skin.

Most often the allergens are:

  • nickel (jewelry: rings, earrings, etc);
  • latex (gloves, condoms, pacifiers for babies);
  • drugs with individual intolerance (often antibiotics);
  • cosmetic products for skin care;
  • some materials used in the manufacture of clothing (synthetic, rubber, etc);
  • substances containing in its composition of toxins (for example, all of the paint), etc

The degree of development of the eczema depends on several factors, the most important of which is the duration of time during which the allergen has provided an irritating effect on the skin, the age of the person and the general state of health.

The symptoms of allergic dermatitis evolves over time. First of all, on the skin of red spots appear, usually large in size. Often this symptom is ignored, resulting in the development of the next – the formation of small bubbles. In the course of the inflammatory process, they gradually burst and in their place remain cake wet skin defects. If left without attention, and this symptom, it may form a crust, which is constantly cracking, which causes bleeding.

How to treat psoriasis

The treatment of psoriasis requires a holistic approach. Normally it is necessary to combine the use of the funds for exterior applications, interior, and diet. In order to determine what drugs are best to prescribe, you need to understand the cause that caused the disease.

For example, if the eruption of the steel signal of the immune system of the body, first of all, you must begin to receive drugs inside his building. If the disease has appeared on the nervous system, before starting the treatment of a need to work for a psychological state of the man. Dermatologists experienced you must first determine the cause, and then study the characteristics of the organism, and only then choose the medicines.

There are also a lot of popular recipes, which, for many, use it effectively, for the fight against psoriasis. For example, the most popular are ointments solidol. You can buy them in the trade, and you can prepare your own meals. Easy to prepare is an ointment base solidol, the honey and the egg yolk.

If the treatment of the income of the population does not give the desired result, it is important not to delay the call to specialists.


Ointment of psoriasis are divided into two main groups: hormonal base and non. Some dermatologists prescribe the first of them, asking others to go do hormonal methods. Consider the following from each group.

Hormonal but it is the most common type of medication against psoriasis. The opponents of such ways of talking about the dangers of side effects after application, and even in the event of the termination of the treatment. The doctors explain that the hormone treatments for the ingestion of dangerous, which can affect the proper functioning of the immune system, causing a malfunction. Tools for the outdoors to the application of such a capacity cannot be, therefore, the only condition necessary for the safety of the treatment is not too long intake (to avoid dependence) and not net of termination.

An undeniable advantage of hormonal ointments of psoriasis is their effectiveness and the speed to achieve the desired result. After a few minutes after application generally a relief eliminates unpleasant symptoms in the form of severe itching and burning sensations, as well as soothes the inflammatory process. Of course, the unique application of hormonal cream, there will be little of the usual duration is several weeks.

Ointments, which have no hormone-based is also often used for the treatment of psoriasis. Often to their preparation and use traditional recipes.

Among the advantages of this choice of treatment, you can score the most low-cost, safety, and a minimum of contra-indications. Non-hormonal the ointment of psoriasis are divided into several groups:

  • Traditional ointment: Ichthyol, tar, Naftalan, Kartalinia. These drugs have a high degree of efficiency thanks to the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. The main disadvantage is considered to be a disadvantage of their use. They all have a strong unpleasant odour, long absorbed, so as to spoil the clothing, and often require the use;
  • Keraslysis. These tools the most effectively as possible to speed up the healing process of the platelets. This is possible thanks to strengthening the process of exfoliation of dead cells. In addition to an anti-inflammatory, keraslysis possess potent antimicrobial activity;
  • Phyto-ointments. In spite of their prevalence, the doctors want to refer to the use of these drugs is reasonable, their use is not as the primary means for the treatment, but as a treatment adjuvant. Anti-inflammatory and healing effect of herbal ointments, work well with the consequences of the main drugs used for the treatment of psoriasis;
  • A moisturizing ointment, and cream. You must apply them, as herbal as aid to enhance the effect of the medication. A moisturizing ointment to have beneficial effects on the condition of the skin, and it happens at the cellular level, which helps speed up the regeneration affected by plaques of sites.

Eczema treatment

The treatment of eczema affects the dermatologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism and the evolution of the disease. The therapy consists of several factors: the impact on the affected area of the skin of the funds for exterior applications, the elimination of its contact with irritants, respect of the power supply. In its advanced form of the disease may be necessary to apply more serious drugs, such as antibiotics.

To eliminate the itching, which is characteristic of eczema from the beginning of its development, often the prescription of anti-allergic. They can be designed both for the reception inside and outside. Too often, for the treatment are appointed compresses or lotions with antiseptic medication. To accelerate resolution of the inflammatory process is advised to start the application of ways and means, which contain corticosteroids.


Psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis - food

Health food is an essential element of the therapy of the disease of the skin. For some, it is strange, indeed, at first sight, eruptions on the skin are not related to the state of the stomach and the work of the digestive system. However, a dermatologist without doubt will confirm this relationship.

In the case of psoriasis, eczema and other diseases, even gives advice on nutrition. It is to be noted that this regime is not particularly tight, so if you want, you can get used to it very quickly.

The power supply, you need to eliminate the fatty, fried and spicy. A particular focus should be made on the consumption of food from plants, vegetables and fruits (but not citrus, to avoid the possible allergens). Strictly prohibited are products such as coffee and alcohol. Sometimes, especially when eczema, dermatologists advise to spend days of fasting. At this time, it is preferable to use fruit juice products neutral fruit juice (apple, fruit and vegetables, carrot). If you have questions about nutrition, you can consult your dermatologist.