Nail Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a very insidious disease and is capable of hitting not only the skin. Often seen psoriasis of the nails, called as onihodistrofiya (psoriatic onihodistrofiya).

Upon confirmation of this disease treatment of nail psoriasis in some cases difficult, as this form is manifested substantially less than the psoriasis of the skin. However, affected by psoriasis of the nail phalanx delivering to a patient in significant discomfort, leading to an emotional disturbance.

Simultaneous to the defeat of the nails and the skin is quite rare. The disease may exist for many years in the body of the patient, but the characteristic of the symptomatology of this form is hit the nail. When the psoriatic manifestations, which, when the complications are able to lead to a complication, such as psoriatic arthritis.

The causes of the disease

the nails

The main reason for which appears to be psoriasis of the nails is a FAILURE IN the FUNCTIONING of the IMMUNE SYSTEM, in violation of enzyme function, and education cells. This leads to a separation of the body is not increased in cells, as well as of the horny layer of the nail.

There are causes predisposing, which are capable of causing the occurrence of exacerbations. These include:

  • the symptoms of psoriasis can be activated in the event of bad weather conditions;
  • the state of stress and depression;
  • the chronic diseases of the body;
  • the symptoms of psoriasis may worsen during the mechanical trauma of the skin;
  • the prolonged use of anti-inflammatory drugs and medication containing lithium;
  • in addition, the causes of the disease may be heredity, where the gene for psoriasis is transmitted to subsequent generations.

Generally, an at-risk group consists of patients aged less than 25 years. Men suffer more frequently from women.

The classification of psoriasis of the nails

Psoriasis of the fingernails is able to manifest itself in different forms and have different symptoms. Distinguish several stages of psoriasis of the nail:

NAPEDOWY — the most common type of the disease. Its symptoms are expressed at the advent shallow nicks on the nails.

ONYCHOLYSIS — this degree is characterized by painless, a branch of the nail tissue, after about nail site remains psoriatic fold crushed.

ONYCHOMADESIS — in this form, there is also the separation of the nail, but faster and without the education of the fringe.

BLEEDING UNDER the NAIL — there is characteristics of the streaks of brown and reddish spots underneath the nail.

TRACHYONYCHIA — in this measure, the disease of the nail becomes rough and thickens.

ONYCHOMYCOSIS — the reasons for this form of the disease because of the physical effects on the tissue near the nail (removal of the trimming, ingrown nail, etc). Stresses the suppuration, swelling and redness of the plates.

All forms of psoriasis of the nail is necessary in due time begun treatment, so as not to allow of a more serious inflammatory process.

The symptoms of the disease


The symptoms of psoriasis of the nail quite diverse and depend directly on the form and appearance of the disease.

The main symptoms are expressed by the following indicators:

  • the surface of the nail of the fingers of the hands and feet becomes irregular, are viewed by the deepening and bumps;
  • the nail becomes greyish and uneven;
  • the edges of the nail plate are covered inflammatory edges, which are able to propagate on the surface of the skin;
  • on the nail appear in warrior yellow psoriatic wafer;
  • on the nail plate may occur capillary;
  • the skin of the nail unacceptably itches, and take off.

When complicated the process of symptoms that are capable of complicating the branch of pus under the nail.

The treatment of nail psoriasis

When the choice of treatment must take account of the causes of psoriasis, the weight of the current and the individual susceptibility of the patient.

Initial power of the disease is treated in a comprehensive manner and includes the following activities:

  • on the first point, it is recommended to use the therapeutic of the lacquer to cover the nails, as well as gels to moisturize the skin of the phalanx;
  • adjustable hormonal and endocrine function;
  • recovers digestive function;
  • it turns out the nature of psoriasis (fungal, virus, bacteria, etc);

Most often the cause of nail psoriasis is the activity of the fungus because of the decreased immunity. The effective influence on him to provide funds external (ointments, creams, care of paint), physiotherapy and herbal medicine.

Besides the fact that you use a varnish, bonding of a fungus, the treatment of psoriasis of the nail provides for:

  • The ANTIHISTAMINES. To relieve the itching, it is recommended reception of antihistamines.
  • MULTIVITAMINS. The destruction of the nail in any form of psoriasis leads inevitably to the loss of essential trace elements and vitamins, therefore, are updated a multivitamin drug. Particularly important in the reception of selenium, calcium, silicon, and zinc.
  • The CORTICOSTEROIDS. In the severe forms of the disease, we recommend the use of steroids. However, it should be remembered that, in spite of the fact that hormone treatments means efficiently enough, taken only after consultation with the doctor.
  • IMMUNOSUPPRESSANTS. To relieve the stress and tension is advised of the designation of immunosuppressants. However, it is necessary to take account of the adverse effects.

A positive result showed a special varnish to nails Gazebo, on the terminal phase of the disease.

External preparations (ointments, creams)

With outdoor installations, generally, start the treatment of nail psoriasis. With a degree of development of the symptomatology, it is possible to deal with it is by such means.

Everything outside of drugs are divided into hormonal and non-hormonal.

Folk remedies in the fight against psoriasis of the nails


Quite often, there are cases, when the drug is not able to have the desired effect and to neutralize the negative symptoms. This requires them to look for alternatives, and the question of how to treat psoriasis of the nails are very serious. In this case, doctors recommend to get rid of psoriasis of the nail with the treatment of folk remedies.

The most well-known means of treatment of psoriasis are the following:

NAIL BATH. This medicine is good, removes the fungus from the nail. To prepare the bath, it is necessary to add the boiling water, 20 gr. bay leaves dried, then boil the prepared solution. After cooling, you need to put in this solution the nail and hold it for 15 minutes.

The COMPRESSES. In the house it is enough to simply prepare the compresses. It is recommended to mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or corn starch with 0.5 l of water. Prepared paste is applied on the area of the nail.

COMPRESSES. Curing psoriasis of the fingernails with the help of medicinal plants, called brusnik. It is necessary to take 4 c. l. leaf powder brusnik and pour 0.5 liters of hot water. After cooling the mass is applied on the affected area in the form of compresses and aged for 15 to 20 minutes.

With these simple recipes, you can cure psoriasis of ways. However, before you begin to use the income of the population, requires the consultation of your doctor.

The diet in psoriasis of the nails

The essential condition of the success of treatment — it is the diet. Little known, that the allergy can be present at any form of psoriasis. Therefore, must be respected by food allergenic.

The food, the patient should balance, to the exclusion of products that are likely to cause allergies (chocolate, coffee, cocoa, strawberries, citrus fruits). The regime prohibits use of acute, salty, fat, smoked and fried foods. In addition, you must not use the mustard, the mayonnaise and the ketchup.

At the time of the worsening of psoriasis diet involves fasting days, that is to say, in the course of the day, you can take in the food of a single product, for example, yogurt, apples, boiled fish, etc Diet should be saturated dairy products, fresh vegetables and fruit (to the exclusion of all orange and red), as well as fish and herbs. To fill the body of the lecithin, it is recommended to eat vegetable oil (preferably extra virgin olive).

It is important to remember that any diet excludes the consumption of alcohol, regardless of the form of psoriatic manifestations.


In any stage, psoriasis of the nail on the fingers of one hand, as well as the nail psoriasis on the feet sank in the waves, with relapses and exacerbations. Therefore, important the prevention of psoriasis, which includes:

  • The need to have a maximum short nails.
  • It is prohibited to perform a pedicure, manicure, etc, including the acrylic lacquer.
  • It is necessary to exclude the possibility of an injury.
  • In case of contact in the home with household products, you need to use gloves.

A slight degree of the disease requires a minimum of medical treatment. At home, it is recommended to use therapeutic of the lacquer to cover the nails, which slows down the destruction of the nail.

It must be remembered that all the treatment you can do after consulting your doctor. This will allow you to remove the acute symptoms of the disease and achieve long-term remission.