The treatment of psoriasis remedies: the recipes and the comments

It manifests itself quite often, you experience peeling, blemishes, itching, burning sensation, plaques on the head and folding places (knees, elbows), in the lower back. This is why the methods of treatment of a disease similar to use the most effective, which are capable in the shortest possible time, improve the patient's condition and eliminate the symptoms.

the treatment of psoriasis

As the doctors say, to completely cure the psoriasis is not possible. But, you can get a significant improvement in health and the elimination of most of the symptoms using home remedies.

The reasons of occurrence of psoriasis

Medicine allocates a number of reasons, which may affect the development of psoriasis, namely:

  • the immune system is weakened (due to poor diet, stress, or substance abuse);
  • a genetic predisposition (after the mechanical damage, allergies, viruses, and other);
  • neurogenic (psychological shocks, stress);
  • infringement of a metabolism (overestimate the rate of cholesterol, deficiency of vitamins);
  • the hormonal disorders;
  • infection;
  • the physical injury;
  • the abrupt change of climatic conditions.

The symptoms of psoriasis

The first signs of this disease are:

  • cracks;
  • the rash;
  • a bundle of nails;
  • the appearance of blisters;
  • the loss of the cells of the skin, peeling;
  • the appearance of the rash that itches.

Medicine psoriasis is divided into several steps:

  1. Fortifying (redness, red);
  2. Immutable (the lack of new lesions);
  3. Descendant (rash becomes pale).

The main rules of home treatment

In a treatment the house has its own rules and specificities. Now, you can see some of them:

  • use multiple national means (for example, decoctions, for internal use, and ointments or dressings);
  • during a home treatment, you should follow the recommendations of specialists (for example, follow the diet, protecting the skin against the rays of the sun, taking medication).

The doctors advise use of the remedies of the traditional medicine in a period of weakening of psoriasis, but several ways in which you can use during the aggravation.

The methods of treatment of folk remedies of external application

Consider, what can be the treatment of psoriasis at home remedies popular to the outside. These include ointments, compresses, bandages, bath.


To achieve the maximum effect, it is very important to choose a ointment. Below, you will be able to familiarize yourself with some of the recipes of the population.

An ointment base of beeswax

  • butter – 10 c. l;
  • the glue – 3 c. l;
  • wax – 2 tablespoons;
  • uterine milk – plate (20 pieces);
  • pollen – 2 tablespoons

All of this, you need to mix and bring to the only-begotten son of the state, the affected area of the skin to dislodge with the aid of peroxide and impose gauze with the contents of the ointment.

Headbands and bath

Often, there are those who are more easy to make a bandage of making ointments. But taking into account the comments of patients who have used these dressings, a positive evolution is.

The strips of potatoes

Raw grated potato (rosé grape varieties) are a kind of gruel, and apply it on the affected area. These sweatbands, you need to keep at least two hours.


Every day take a bath with a decoction of herbs, 25 minutes. These herbs are the following:

  • calendula;
  • the chamomile;
  • series;
  • the celandine.

After the bath is not recommended to dry the skin with a towel, let dry.

Recipes grandmother for psoriasis oral

For the treatment of psoriasis, it is recommended not to apply only the drugs that affect the symptoms and dyes, able to normalize and strengthen the immune system.

The dyeing of the estate

For cooking, you need to:

  • 4 ch of the estate;
  • of the boiling water.

A series, you need to pour boiling water and leave to infuse for a few hours. Cooling of the dye to add the honey.

Tincture of japanese sophora

One of the most effective ways, it is the tincture of japanese sophora, to do this, you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of vodka;
  • 3 tablespoons of flowers of sophora of japan.

The flowers of sophora of japan filled with vodka, and shall be held for a month in a dark place. The method of application simple – 1 tablespoon three times a day for 25 minutes before a meal.

Take 3 times a day half a cup.

the plant psoriasis

The herbs can help you to resolve the disease

A positive dynamic can be obtained by using herbal teas that are sold in all the pharmacies. Prior to the application of all the necessary ingredients to dry. So, what are the herbs will help to get rid of psoriasis?

For the treatment of the symptoms of psoriasis is often used water, which is designed for internal use. Take his need up to 4 times per day.

The black elderberry is also used to treat psoriasis. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of herbs, pour two cups of boiling water and give insists (not less than one hour). To take after meals 3 times a day half a cup.

Treatment of folk remedies of different forms of psoriasis

Psoriasis of the scalp

In the first place, describe psoriasis that affects the scalp, and its treatment. For the treatment of this disease, you should always use dyes and masks, which we will discuss below.

The mask contains:

  • natural honey;
  • the birch tar;
  • beaten eggs;
  • castor oil.

Once you wash the head, will not prevent to rinse your hair infusions:

  • the nettle and chamomile;
  • the collection of plants;
  • sage and chamomile.

All these means are quite effective if you use them in a complex with drugs. You will be able to get a maximum effect, applying dyes and masks every time before the head wash.

Psoriasis of the nail

During this type of disease is a strong deterioration of the condition of the nail, with the time, starts the beam, piderme near the nail becomes dry.

There are traditional methods, which will help you to relieve the general state:

  1. The pits on the bark of the oak;
  2. The sea buckthorn oil;
  3. The decoction of the leaves of the laurel tree;
  4. Baths with cornstarch and oatmeal.

Psoriasis on the elbows

With this type of disease, it is recommended to use both external and internal medicines which help to restore the immune system and enrich the vitamins in the body. The most effective medications include:

  1. Bath with the addition of sea salt;
  2. The use of juniper for the bath;
  3. The use of moisturizers;
  4. The lubrication of affected areas of sectors of celandine, chamomile.

For psoriasis

For the treatment of a similar disease is also recommended to use procedures that hinder the peeling and the dryness.

  1. For the systematic application, you must use a moisturizer;
  2. It is recommended to use ointments in a fatty cream for the baby.

Palmo-plantar psoriasis

For the treatment of palmo-plantar psoriasis in folk medicine, used most often decoctions and infusions. The most effective, with the following recipes:

  • 20 gr. bay leaf, pour 2 cups of boiling water and simmer in a covered pot over low heat 25 minutes, Take half a cup 3 times per day, no more than a week;
  • the leaves of elderberries 2 tablespoons of the beer in 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for half an hour, after the broth is ready, you need to drain. Take 70ml after the meal;
  • a good result is possible to achieve the application of fish oil on the plate.