The treatment of psoriasis home remedies

Although psoriasis is the sign of humanity for centuries, medicine today can not with accuracy to establish the causes of this skin disease. "Rose of the devil", as it was called in the middle ages, may appear on the body of the man, sometimes unexpectedly. The treatment of psoriasis home remedies is quite justified. It allows to attenuate the manifestations of disease and stop its spread on the body to maximize the natural channels.


A genetic predisposition, a bad metabolism, stress, unhealthy lifestyle, the defeat of the toxins and infectious diseases – here are some proven, the factors responsible for the formation of the skin the unsightly scaly patches of bright red color. The traditional methods of getting rid of this disease include the application of "heavy" artillery. Mainly, they are based on the application of hormones, radiation of the skin and chemical drugs on the cells work.

The treatment of psoriasis celandine at home

Modest and humble celandine, which is easy to find in almost any part of the european territory of the planet, is a powerful means of various skin conditions. With natural antiseptic, anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory, is a plant that is productive to dealing with manifestations of psoriasis, by blocking the development of the disease.

It must be remembered that to start the treatment, you must in the early stages of the pathology. Also during the application of the celandine it is necessary to renounce to the consumption of alcohol, fatty foods, and sugary foods, fruits and red berries. In accordance with these conditions, and in the absence of an allergic reaction to the components of the plant, you can count on the achievement of this result.

The infusion of celandine oral

Put it in a thermos, and a teaspoon of dry celandine and pour a cup of boiling water. Tightly tighten the lid, shake and leave to infuse for 40-50 minutes, then strain the liquid. Infusion, divide it into 3 equal parts, that need to drink before each meal, morning, noon, and night. Do not exceed the dosage, because this tool has side effects.

Wine compresses with celandine

A half-kilo of fresh grass clean under running water, dried a little with a towel and slice thinly. This dough, fold in gauze, folded in several layers, and press well. The sap of the plant, mix with a quarter cup of natural red wine sec. Impregnate wine a clean solution, cotton swabs, and apply their places of defeat. The duration of 15 minutes. After that, you can rinse the leftover wine with the skin of the warm water and repeat the procedure for the next day.

Ointment celandine

A tablespoon of fresh leaves of celandine connect the 15-g Flucinarum (it is colorless anti-inflammatory gel that you can buy in any drugstore) and add 100 g of solidol's. Mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture in a closed container for 3 days. Ready ointment applied on the affected area for 5 days. When using this tool for the treatment of psoriatic plaques on the head, apply a thick layer directly on the hair. After 30 minutes of the start of the procedure – rinse the medicine shampoo neutral.

celandine for psoriasis

Bath with celandine

A full glass of chopped herbs (250 g), place in an enameled pan, pour 3 liters of boiling water and simmer for 5 to 7 minutes. Remove from fire, isolate the dishwasher with a solution of a tea towel and leave to rest at room temperature for 2 hours. Remove the plant. Add the broth in the bathing water. Take a bath with celandine daily 10 minutes. The procedure is carried out before bedtime, after which the body does not need to be rinsed with clean water and slightly damp with a soft towel. The course of treatment – 5-7 valves.

It is important! Despite a large number of good qualities, with which nature has endowed the celandine, in the event of overdose or improper application of this plant can bring a lot of harm to the human body. Because of the high toxicity of the plant, the basic treatment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, patients with epilepsy, asthmatics, and persons with heart failure.

The treatment of psoriasis of the mustard

The treatment of psoriasis of the mustard, like many other recipes of traditional medicine does not get rid of the problem. But it is fairly effective way to take the course of the disease "under control" and not to give assistance to tasks possibly spoil the appearance.

Here are a few proven recipes, using which you can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and prevent its spread:

Recipe 1. Mix a teaspoon of mustard powder, tincture of eucalyptus, and the whole purified vegetable oil. Apply the mixture on the blister, press and hold for 10 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the skin with a thin layer of damping of the cream;

Recipe 2. A half teaspoon of dry mustard connect with a teaspoon of unsalted butter. Dilute the mixture of five buffet. spoons of hot broth st. john's wort (prepare as usual – a spoon of raw materials in a glass of water). Wrap the wool a small swab, moisten a cloth in the solution and apply it to the skin for a few minutes. Do not let the appearance of a strong burning sensation! It is a powerful tool, the use is not authorized more often than once per week;

Recipe 3. If struck of psoriasis of the scalp, an effective method of treatment of mustard mask, which is easy to do yourself. To do this, take 2 full tablespoons tablespoons of mustard powder, to dilute in the same amount of hot water, add one fresh chicken egg yolk, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons olive oil and 2 spoons. tablespoons of granulated sugar. Received the mask to be applied on the skin of the head, trying not to stretch the substance by the hair. Wrap with cellophane and the top with a towel. To carry out this healing of the procedure should be 2-3 times per week for 15 to 40 minutes, but, if you feel uncomfortable, the time can be reduced.

Psoriasis treatment baking soda

There is a theory (it should be noted – are not scientifically proven) that the development of psoriasis is directly related to a level of acidity in the body. According to this concept, in violation of the approved standards, the ph produces an accumulation of toxic substances, which can cause various diseases, including the skin. In this case, the baking soda is applied as a way to reduce the acidity and helps to eliminate the cause of the onset of psoriasis.

Supporters of alternative methods of treatment recommend using baking soda as externally. And, although official medicine does not confirm the efficacy of these methods, many essays on the practice demonstrate a high degree of effectiveness of the baking soda in the fight against psoriasis.

soda in psoriasis

Soda oral medicine

150 g peas sativum (in a pharmacy is sold under the name "Vetch cultivated") schez on a frying pan, dry, and finely pound with the help of wooden mortar. Connect the whole obtained powder, 50 g of bicarbonate of soda and a glass of liquid honey. Mix thoroughly and take a teaspoon of tools in an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime.

The solution sode prescription professor Neumyvakina

This recipe was created by the famous author of alternative methods for sanitation. The author believes that he can not only get rid of a lot of skin diseases including psoriasis, but and to cleanse us of toxins, normalize acid-base balance and stabilize your body in general.

The methodology of the consumption of such a solution is very simple:

  • dry in a glass, mix 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda;
  • pour the powder to boiling water up to a half-cup;
  • from the beginning of the reaction (water of wheezing, and will zabinitsa) – add the rest of the cooled boiled water;
  • when the temperature of the solution will not be greater than 50 °C, it should be drunk.

In the course of the therapy the dose of bicarbonate of soda increases gradually led to a teaspoon at a time. The scientific recommends that you use the solution sode in the morning, about half an hour before the first meal. The course of treatment – up to 4 weeks.

Garden-ointment in psoriasis

To make an ointment natural psoriasis you will need:

  • a teaspoon of baking soda;
  • 3 fresh yellow chicken;
  • 200 g of chicken fat;
  • 2. spoon birch tar;
  • 2. tablespoon grated on a fine grater for the soap of marseille;
  • a desktop. the spoon of pine oil;
  • 2. tablespoons of bile medical.

Melt the chicken fat in a water bath and connect it with all the ingredients, except the last one. When the mixture has cooled, add the bile and stir again. It is advisable to lubricate ointment to problem areas of the skin every day, a few hours a night of sleep. The loan for the medicine can be stored for 2 weeks, placing it in the refrigerator and close the lid.

soda poultice

Soda a hot compress

In 0.5 liters of hot water dissolve without pay of up to 3 the table. tablespoons of soda powder. Folded in several layers of gauze or a bandage soaked in the solution and immediately, warm, apply to the place of localization of disease. Keep the compress on the skin until the material is not completely cooled. This procedure can be repeated several times in the day, but it must be done with caution so as not to hurt the epidermis.

Other means of psoriasis treatment

Further described in the section of methods, the treatment of psoriasis home remedies involves other options to use infusions and decoctions of plants, valves, ointments and compresses to a natural base.

Recipes for the reception inside

Recipe 1. Take 250 g of pork fat and attach it with 1 liter of honey, 0.5 liters of vodka and 300 g of juice of the aloe. Place the mixture in the oven and let it simmer at a temperature of 150-160°C for 4 hours. Ready drug leave to cool. Take 15 ml three times per day;

Recipe 2. Dried roots of burdock and dandelion, chop, mix in equal parts (on 1 table. soup). Pour a glass of water and boil in a water bath under a cover of 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from the heat and, when the broth is room temperature, filter and drink 100 ml before each meal;

Recipe 3. Make a collection of herbal from 4 table. spoons of chamomile flowers, of the same amount of herb st. john's wort, 3 the table. the spoons viola tricolor and 2 of the table. tablespoons of leaves of a cowberry. A tablespoon of plants to put in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Allow to rest for 1 hour, drain. Add the solution tablespoon of siberian ginseng extract. Take in the morning before breakfast.

Tools for exterior applications

Recipe 1. 3-4 medium-sized cloves of garlic peel and crush using a press (or just crash on a small grater). Pour the mixture of garlic in a cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, after which use it as an external tool to clean the lesions of the skin;

Recipe 2. Treat using a coffee mill 50 g of horse sorrel and as much dry celandine. Powder obtained to pay birch tar, and applying healing to the mass in the form of daily compresses before going to bed;

Recipe 3. Melt in a bain-marie a book of natural butter, bringing to boil. Until the oil heats up, finely slice the knife 50 g of propolis. Connect the two components, remove the bowl from the heat and stir continuously with a mixture of reduce the temperature of the medication. Use hot-oil ointment for the manufacture of packs that need to keep on the skin for at least 10-12 hours;

Recipe 4. The stream, sage, celandine and margarita mix in equal quantities and leave it to infuse in the boiling water (a ratio of 1 part of plant material to 10 parts water). After a half-hour hot plant-based mortar, add in the bathing water. Take a bath with herbs for 15 to 20 minutes per day, or, if a high degree of lesions of the skin, every night.

It is important! Before you use one of the questions suggested in the article's methods, you must consult a dermatologist. It is only by knowing the characteristics of your body, and based on the results of the full survey, you can determine the recipes of traditional medicine will bring you the maximum profit, and what better to give up.

the diet in psoriasis

Good nutrition in the psoriasis

The main task of diet in the psoriasis is the saturation of the organism of the patient all the necessary complex of vitamins, minerals and other compounds that are beneficial, which limits the consumption of animal fats and by supporting the normal level of acidity.

To achieve this goal, we will help these products:

  • vegetables raw, steamed, in the oven;
  • fatty fish, unlike other fats, fish oil has beneficial effects on the skin, making it more flexible and in good health;
  • proteins are in nuclei and raw, sunflower seeds, egg protein, lean meat;
  • cereals – buckwheat, pearl barley, peas, beans;
  • dairy products;
  • dried fruits – dried apricots, raisins, dates.

In order not to worsen the situation and does not reduce to nothing all the attempts to stabilize his condition, the patients with psoriasis avoid alcohol, as well as eliminate from your diet:

  • citrus fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • honey (in large quantities);
  • black coffee;
  • the natural milk with increased fat content;
  • the vegetables and fruits of red color of tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red peppers.

At the present time, scientists have proven the link of the emergence of human psoriasis, with her psychological health. It follows that, for the victory over the disease you need to be able to control his emotions, feel the inner harmony and to protect their psyche, the shock. In order to strengthen your body is not only physically, but mentally, it is often necessary to be in the air to keep the hardening process, work with passion and learn to not to respond to the little annoyances. Just even putting the correct lens, you can get rid of the disease, and the recipes of traditional medicine will be a great help on the path of healing.