The instructions on the manner of treatment of psoriasis

Psoriasis – deterministic of the disease, which is due to a hyperproliferations of the cells in the dermis, failures of immunity to the synthetic immune dependens mediators, causing inflammation of the skin. For the standardization of the process of differentiation of keratinocytes, the restoration of mitosis and cellular immunity uses of preparations of different groups (cytostatics, retinoids, immunosuppressants).

the instructions on the manner of treatment of psoriasis

The pattern of use of drugs depends on the stage of development of the disease, the type of lesions and the age of the patient.

Complete the treatment of psoriasis

The integrated treatment of psoriasis involves the use not only drugs, but also of physiotherapy. They also contribute to the restoration of mitosis, which leads to the elimination of hyperkeratosis and inflammation of the skin is reactivated. The therapy for psoriasis includes several components:

  1. the exterior of the tool (ointments, gels, liniments, creams, sprays) – local contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes on the areas of skin affected psoriatic platelets;
  2. parenteral and oral medications (tablets, pills, injections, vitamins) – tools of therapy, which affect the functioning of the various organs and systems;
  3. physiotherapy of the tool (cryotherapy, gemosorbtsiya, laser therapy) – the treatment methods, aimed at the purification of the blood and the skin against the disease agents;
  4. hydrotherapy means treatment with the application of herudotherapy, mud bath, hot springs, etc;
  5. dietetics – nutrition, promotes the normalization of cellular metabolism and, therefore, of mitosis.

The choice of specific areas of treatment depends on the stage of development of psoriasis. For example, at the stage of the progression, that is to say, the active development of psoriatic plaques you can't use some types of physiotherapy. This can cause even more aggravation of the disease.

The choice of the complex therapy

The course of the disease is largely determined by the degree of development of pathological processes, the factors that have led to the dysfunction of immunity, the age of the patient, etc.) In the process of assigning proper complex activities of treatment, the doctor takes into account:

  • the causes of the evolution of the pathology;
  • the phase of development of the disease;
  • type of psoriatic lesions;
  • the sex and age of the patient;
  • characteristics of the development of the disease;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions.

An in-depth study of the anamnesis of the patient is used to determine the direction of the treatment that will help you to obtain the best therapeutic results. A special role is suitable for the analysis of precipitating factors have caused the appearance of psoriatic plaques. Amorage the development of the disease can become psycho-emotional overstrain, chronic diseases, autoimmune failures, climate change, etc

The direction of the therapy should be justified in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. In the opposite case, remove the pathological processes in the organism does not succeed, which will lead to complications.
complete the treatment of psoriasis

General principles of therapy

According to the results of a survey recently carried out medical forums, attended by experts from 19 european countries, the effective treatment of the disease psoriatic is based on 3 principles:

  1. the strict observance of the complex algorithm of the processing activities;
  2. the permanent monitoring of reaction of the organism to the action of certain medicines;
  3. the quick adjustment of the therapeutic principles of treatment.

Unfortunately, in 45% of cases of generalization of the inflammatory process when the development of psoriasis has been caused by the non-observance of the rules of treatment set by the doctor. To reduce the risk of the education of the psoriatic plaques on the body, it is necessary to follow the instructions that are given to a specialist in the process of therapy.

The treatment with the stage of completion

The schema built-in treatment of psoriasis will be determined by the stage of development of a pathological process. In the phase of progression, that is to say, active, the appearance of new symptoms of the disease and skin eruptions, it is necessary to observe roughly the pattern of treatment:

  • Ointments corticosteroids – stop of the manifestations of the disease and contribute to the elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • The drugs contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes, which helps to recover cell mitosis;
  • Antihistamines – eliminate the itching and swelling of the tissue in close proximity to foci of inflammation.

The application of these funds to the stage of progression of the disease because of their patogeneticheskoy activity. They have expressed antiphlogistic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties.

The treatment of fixed and retrogressive stage

Fixed and retrogressive stage of development of the disease are characterized by moderately expressed the peeling of the psoriatic plaques. However, in this phase of the pathology that happens, priphrique of the increase, that is to say, expansion of papules or onset of new symptoms of the disease. In this case, medical treatment is aimed at the use of medications with to take off, disinfectant and healing.

The scheme of treatment genodermatosis will be approximately as follows:

In the severe forms of the disease for the relief of symptoms is used not only for corticosteroids and exterior, but also cytostatic

They have expressed immunosuppressant action, that is to say, inhibit the immune system. This prevents inflammation of the skin that attack the antibodies of epidermal cells.