Scalp psoriasis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Skin diseases broad group of pathologies, which, in addition to leading the act negatively on the health of man, has an impact on their psychological state. Alone among the dermatological disease is psoriasis a chronic illness, the success of a treatment, which remains difficult for the doctors and the sine qua non of a fulfilling life for patients.

psoriasis on the head

Features located on the head of psoriasis

Often the first area of the lesion of the skin when psoriasis is on the scalp. In some cases, the disease is limited to the field, but more often, especially in the absence of treatment, the new brochure with the time will appear and other parts of the body. The reasons for the psoriasis affects the skin of the head, consider the particular structure of the epithelium in this area, as well as the inevitable daily of trauma to the skin in the process of combing.

According to statistics psoriasis develops in 1 in every 100 people, but in different regions, this figure is different. Approximately 80% of patients have a defeat of the scalp, a quarter of them the disease is limited in this region than in others, with time, is applied to the skin of the palms of the hands, the feet, the outside of the joint surface, etc

Psoriasis is not at the shelter, but gained through the clinical experience allows the doctors to spread the risk. Thus, the greater the pathology observed in women, the first stage of the disease, it is usually indicated in patients 15 to 25 years. The risk of encountering with psoriasis is increased among the people, the parents, the brothers and sisters who also suffer from this disease.

The causes of

Psoriasis - the mysterious disease, explain the appearance difficult, even by modern researchers. Every year, new theories on what is the cause of the inflammatory reaction and the excess of the synthesis of the skin cells on the body in patients. Until the main assumption is genetic: according to him, some individuals have a innate predisposition to accelerate the renewal of keratinocytes, which, in the case of the manifestation of the disease, leading to a reaction of the immune system. The result is a vicious circle: the more the product of new cells, forming plaque, more inflammation of the skin in this area (the body perceives as something чужеродное), and the more damaged the skin under the influence of immune cells - more share of keratinocytes.

In some cases, the pitcher of the basis for the development of the disease is pathology of the immune system, which in its turn is the consequence of stress or have suffered from an infectious disease. Thus, it is mentioned that the HIV and psoriasis occurs three times more than the average of the population.

It is interesting In the way-the age of the plates on the body of the sick, called "roses of the devil". It was thought that these marks testify to the curse, and can be transmitted to healthy people through contact. The tragedy was that until the NINETEENTH century, doctors are not distinguished from psoriasis, leprosy, scabies and other skin diseases, so that all who have suffered from chronic diseases, skin diseases, cast out from society and forced them to wear white robes, which hide the body and the face, and whistles, the surrounding on "the dangers of infection".

What looks like psoriasis on the head: the signs of defeat

Scalp psoriasis is also called seborrheic psoriasis, although this term is correct, and to conquer the other parts of the skin with high density of sebaceous glands — contours, options areas, the nasogenial folds, the chest and interblade area. The disease manifests for the first time, generally, peeling of skin, which are like dandruff. The appearance of an atheromatous plaque is accompanied by itching, and the skin in this area is covered with silvery scales. The important thing is that the psoriasis — even if expressed inflammatory process is not observed loss of hair, which is the distinctive sign of this disease.

Psoriatic blister tend to develop and integrate into the larger education — doctors call it "paraffin lakes". The skin under them more easily traumatized and bleed, this is why the sick must, in spite of the itching, and the release of the desire of scratching the affected area.

In certain types of plaques of psoriasis are reddish or even purple, in others, they are similar to blisters with a clear liquid. For the disease is characteristic of the chronic and progressive during: periods of exacerbation, followed by periods of remission, where the symptoms recede, but to completely eliminate all manifestations of the disease is not usually possible. In this case, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, the psoriasis may be a copy of cosmetic defects, is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and the heavy debilitating condition, preventing his personal life, professional life and even limit the patient's capacity for self-care.

Characteristics of treatment

An exceptional political man, a british Winston Churchill, who himself suffered from psoriasis, one day, promised to erect a statue of pure gold to the person who will find the cure against this disease. Unfortunately, until now, reliably, once and for all deal with this loss of skin has been found. But this does not mean that the drug does not exist, the medicine has a range of tools that help to suppress symptoms of psoriasis and improve the quality of life of the patient, to prolong the periods of rest of the skin without sudden exacerbations and relapses.

The treatment of psoriasis of the scalp has specific characteristics — in this form of external signs of the disease more visible to others (it is impossible to hide under clothing), therefore, patients experience expressed the psychological discomfort and seek by all means to get rid of plaque buildup. In addition, for seborrheic, psoriasis is characteristic expressed itching, the persons concerned have therefore more need of a symptomatic treatment, aimed at the analgesia of the affected area.

Exterior of medications in the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp

Drugs for the direct application on the affected area in psoriasis, individually. The patient should be ready that the first ground assigned by the doctor, turns out to be ineffective — it takes time to choose the right combination of effective medicines.

Hormonal preparations

The medication hormone-based steroids are able to rapidly relieve the inflammation and itching. Unlike steroids, systemic (used in the form of tablets or injections in severe forms of psoriasis), these ointments and creams have not expressed an adverse effect on the body. However, their regular application can be harmful to the health of the skin — in the area of application, it is often the fade, becomes thinner and vulnerable to the accession of secondary infection, which makes it very difficult processing. In case of prolonged use of topical (local) and steroids can cause a withdrawal syndrome — when, after the withdrawal of the aggravation, and the medicine for the disease returns with a new force, and with even more symptomatic. That is why there are a number of restrictions on the use of topical steroids. You can't:

  • apply it often and for a long time (not more than 5 days);
  • apply on sensitive areas of skin (face, neck, folds), as well as on the large squares of skin lesions (more than 20% of its surface).

It is important for the use of ointments, creams, and shampoos based glucocorticosteroids has been tested only after consultation with the doctor.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments

To improve the state of the skin of the head in the psoriasis, you may not use hormonal drugs. According to the creams, ointments and shampoos of this group are substances with anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictive, soothing and moisturizing action: pyrithione zinc, coal, salicylic acid, kertiol and other. Their application is useful regardless of the stage of the disease — they reduce the formation of plaque, desquamation, itching and an inflammatory reaction.

The degree of effectiveness and security non-hormonal creams and ointments depends on the basis of the active substance. Thus, the preparations of zinc may be used without restrictions on the frequency of use, while the tar tools of dry skin, therefore, preferably, use 1 to 2 times per week in combination with the emulsions moisturizing.


Patients time suffering from psoriasis often look to the mirror for ways to improve the appearance of the skin of the head, but do not benefit from medications of the action. This is all kinds of shampoos and oils designed to relieve irritation, soften your skin and the peeling of the inserts is less pronounced. Evaluate the effectiveness of these means is not possible — in particular when they are used in conjunction with therapy, prescribed by your doctor.

A symptomatic treatment

Some of the medications to help you to psoriasis of the scalp, are not able to change the course of the disease, but significantly facilitate the condition of the patient. Because of the factors affecting the activity of a pathological process, very numerous, is of paramount importance to take care of the general health of the patient, as well as the fight against the effects of the disease (for example, infection of the affected skin or medication of the defeat of the liver).


The uv exposure reduces the manifestations of scalp psoriasis in many patients, therefore, the physiotherapy is based on the use of artificial light, is an extremely popular method of treatment of this pathology.

During phototherapy with ultraviolet light of the spectrum (УФБ) applies to the light with a large wavelength visible to the naked eye. Each session lasts a few minutes, and a full treatment lasts 6 to 8 weeks.

PUVA therapy involves the combination of phototherapy with the application on the skin photosensitizing substances. The patient receives a drug in the form of tablets or creams, and then comes to the sessions of the irradiation with the ultraviolet light of the spectrum of A. This method is effective even in the severe forms of psoriasis, but in the long term, is able to increase the risk of developing a patient of cancer of the skin.


The use of environmental factors — another important approach for the treatment of psoriasis. Stay in the resorts with weather conditions (the coast of the Dead sea, kmv, etc) contributes to the lengthening of the periods of remission and relief of symptoms. Many patients report that the effect of the use of the curative mud and the bathrooms, with decoctions, apiculture products (apitherapy) and the application of the naphthalene oil and other rare chemical compounds that have worked well in the complex therapy of diseases of the skin.

However, clear recommendations do not exist, the success of the application of these methods depends on the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient.

Correction of lifestyle

The change of the regime (the rejection of products, causing exacerbation of psoriasis), the refusal to consume alcohol, regular physical exercise and psychotherapy to reduce anxiety levels, assist patients with seborrheic psoriasis. Some patients report that a healthy lifestyle not only helps to reduce the manifestations of the underlying disease, but the overall improvement of the health by eliminating the triggering factors of other disease states. In this regard, it is important to follow the recommendations of your doctor and with a good review of the process of promotion of the abandonment of drug treatment in favor of unconventional methods.

Patients with psoriasis is often a depression of the realization that this disease appeared one day, will stay with them for life. However, a positive attitude and proactive with respect to new approaches of therapy to help bring back the quality of life and minimize the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. No need to put up with the psoriasis — it is only a problem with a variety of solutions. Don't let illness spoil your life.

Why is it important to start treatment seborrheic, psoriasis in the shortest time possible?

Unquestionably, permanently curing psoriasis is not impossible, but you can reduce the frequency and duration of exacerbations, if intelligently and, above all, at the time of beginning the treatment, and already the first signs. By doing this, it would be preferable to choose drugs, the safety and the efficiency in which the action is confirmed by clinical studies.