Psoriasis on the face: symptoms and treatments

Psoriasis is one of the most unpleasant skin disease. More common skin rash psoriatic on the legs and the torso. And if the psoriasis be on the face? Unfortunately, it can, and offers plenty of unpleasant experiences for the patients suffering from this disease.

the symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The symptoms of psoriasis on the face

The initial stage of psoriasis on the face usually occurs at the end of the fall or the winter. In this time the skin is particularly vulnerable. A precursor of the disease is s militarist itching. The symptoms of the initial phase of psoriasis on the face is very reminiscent of the food allergies or skin irritation: there is an inflammation of spots of small size (about a pinhead), located mainly on the forehead or cheeks. However, over time, they grow in size and merging them, take the compacted form nodes papules, with a tinge of pale red. In a particularly intense way this occurs if you comb the papules, which is absolutely impossible, because in their place, it can form scars. Gradually, the eruptions begin to cover the nasolabial triangle and the wings of the nose, directed towards the area of the lip, to penetrate under the hair, thrown on the ears, covering almost the entire front of the box.

Other signs of the disease may not be described as "the combination of three phenomena":

  • Blister wrap soft flakes;
  • At the continuation of the branch scales below them is manifested the skin, such as coated gloss (terminal film);
  • If you continue to scrub the skin, it begins to destroy and empty small drops of blood (the blood of the dew).

At the adult age is the most common one is seborrheic psoriasis on the face with the characteristic of psoriasis "the crown" — is a cluster of papules on the border with the leather of the head. Purulent scabs that form, cracks, causing a very sharp pain. For children most characteristic feature of the variety of psoriasis of the skin of the face called cross. At the beginning of the disease, you can take it for a trivial diathesis.

The causes of

Psoriasis, including psoriasis on the face, not without reason, is considered to be one of the most baffling diseases. The controversy over its etiology is no end to more. Among the experts, the advocates of the primacy of the endocrine system, autoimmune, psychosomatic theories, and recently, increasingly in popularity acquires the genetic theory of occurrence of psoriasis. To a certain extent, which is confirmed by the ubiquitous statistics says that every third out of four sufferers from this Dermatosis someone of his close relatives is also the bearer. Does not cause too much controversy among scholars, perhaps, only in three circumstances:

  • The disease is polietiologic nature: to explain its origin, cause it is not possible;
  • This pathology can be years, even decades stuck in a phase of remission, but the final healing occurs;
  • the transmission of psoriasis by direct contact is excluded: it is not contagious.

Whatever it is, but the rash psoriatic, able to cover almost all areas of the body, including those that are impossible to hide the points of view of others, recover from the psychological discomfort in the first place, the more sick.

Types of psoriasis on the face

In itself, the disease is rather complex classification, with the multitude of varieties. Depending on the type of the leak sound can be divided into two major groups: pustular and pustular discharge. It is a curious fact that each species has its "privilegium" injury. This concerns, in particular, who do not fit into a general classification of distinct species, for example, seborrheal such event. It is very to help physicians to make specific diagnoses, and therefore choose your tactic of the therapy.

Depending on the degree of severity of the leak vary light and heavy form of psoriasis as a function of the total area of the defeat and the system manifestations of the disease.

It should be noted that the person does not belong to the most typical sites of psoriatic defeat. In any case, for him, is one of the most characteristic is seborrheic form of psoriasis vulgaris, which afterwards extends to the border of the hairline, and most far, under him, by producing, at first sight, the impression of ordinary films.

The stage of the disease

Psoriasis on the face is celebrated on the rapid development of the because of the sensitivity of the skin in this area. On the initial phase of psoriasis on the face, we have already spoken at length. It is followed by a phase, so-called fixed, when the plates acquire shades, the papules are rounded, with silver. Generally, these metamorphoses occur in a period of approximately one month after the onset of the disease.

The next step considered as amortized. At this stage the blister is already almost does not stand out on the skin and in the insignificance. The desire of the comb pass, the papules cincta dense and corneum the glenoid labrum. This process continues, on average, two to six months.

that cure for psoriasis on the face

That cure for psoriasis on the face?

The treatment of the disease takes care of your dermatologist, and already the first suspicion about psoriasis of the visit to him, not worth beating around the bush: how much in advance he will start the treatment, so much more rapid in the face of psoriasis goes into remission phase. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the treatment of psoriasis – a long and difficult process. Some of the miracles of therapeutic does not exist, and the treatment involves a complete solution with the application of different impact mechanisms.

Ointments for the treatment of psoriasis on the face

The most effective way of combating the disease are external funds in the form of balms, lotions, and creams. A wide application because of its efficiency are ointments for the face of psoriasis: how to hormonal, and do not contain hormones. In this case, the first are stronger, but short-term effects, because they rapidly lead to the dependence of the organization, and the follow-up after a new round of aggravation. Oocytes treated, primarily, psoriasis on the face in adults. Non-hormonal operate gradually, but provide a longer remission duration.

That anoint the face psoriasis?

Known for the non-hormonal treatment for psoriasis of the skin of the face:

  • to eliminate the peeling, apply the salicylic acid ointment, and joint established salicylic -zinc provides an anti-inflammatory effect and sche the skin;
  • excellent anti-inflammatory testimonials are ointments, in which is present the tar or grease;
  • the zinc ointment protects the skin against the negative effects of the external environment, reduces swelling, anti-inflammation;
  • overwhelming effects on the diseased cells have ointments containing vitamin D;
  • antipruritic effect is known for fat drugs, especially needed when the acute phase of the disease is already completed and it begins the healing;
  • for the hydration of the skin apply the ointment to the base of the plant extracts with the content of calendula, celandine, chamomile and other medicinal plants.

Hormonal ointments vary depending on the strength of its relatively low impact to the most powerful.

Generally, ointments for the face psoriasis is to apply before bedtime, when the body is at complete rest – this is the therapeutic effect is much higher.

Because of the many side effects of hormonal drugs, you should apply with great caution, and only after the indications of your doctor. Self-medication is strictly prohibited – it can lead to irreversible consequences for health.


In addition to these medication applies physiotherapy.

An excellent sedative effect give daily sessions of electrosleep, the persistence of 20 minutes to half an hour for at least a week. Photochemotherapy and ultraviolet rays are appointed by a doctor to amortization periods of the disease and contribute to increase the time of remission. In some cases, it may be administered to x-ray irradiation of the affected areas. More secure in this regard, we consider the laser therapy.

An excellent complement to the primary treatment is wastewater treatment plant.

The drug treatment

As regards medication, they are only prescribed if inveterate and forms in the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis on the face. Among these means include, inter alia:

  • cytostatic, slowing the division epitelyarnyh cells, in the form of, for example, methotrexate;
  • immune depressant type of cyclosporine A, repressive conduct of an autoimmune process;
  • corticosteroids for in-house applications;
  • the biologically active substances avastin, and alefacept, blocking the abnormal multiplication of cells.

The receipt of all of these medicines is carried out only under medical supervision.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the face

The treatment of psoriasis on the face of means of the population also gives a positive result, but only when it is applied under the control of the treating physician, and to combine them with other methods of combating the disease. At the base of the traditional medicine – natural ingredients, they are therefore recommended in the treatment of children. Recommended all kinds of tinctures, herbal baths and the basis of decoctions, ointments, and masks for the face in the psoriasis, is prepared according to the "old recipes". For example, to properly appease the salty skin, mask, it is imposed on the face previously cleaned (the best is sea salt), tar, masks, and ointments. Good the effects of sea buckthorn oil, having external and internal application, as well as lavender oils and coconut. It is recommended to eat vegetables that contain carotene, pumpkins, fruits with orange and red. A result also give homeopathic remedies.

In spite of the complexity of the disease, the main part is the treatment of psoriasis on the face is produced at home (with rare exceptions). Importance of precise execution of the law firms of indications, including:

  • thorough hygiene of the skin and the protection of its various types of effects: mechanical, climatic, ecological;
  • compliance with the diet, particularly in periods of exacerbation of psoriasis on the face. It is necessary to completely abandon the irritants and allergens to products, tobacco and alcoholic beverages;
  • the periodic visit of a dermatologist

And now the answer to the main question: how to get rid of psoriasis on the face?

Unfortunately it is impossible to cure the disease. However, the execution of the medical prescription, respecting the measures of prevention and maintaining the right attitude, you can increase the duration of periods of remission, in maintaining the quality of life.