How to cure the psoriasis: treatment methods fast

Widespread dermatological disease remains little studied until the end, so the question of how to heal psoriasis is topical up to now. The techniques of therapy of this disease each year, the perfection, but to cure the psoriasis never even considered impossible. The action of the doctors aim to achieve control of the disease, reduced exacerbations, facilitation of the flow.

General recommendations for patients with psoriasis


People suffering from psoriasis, in addition to the abortion drug external treatment must adhere to a multitude of rules in daily life. The treatment is a healthy skin and dazzled sites would help overcome the worsening of the disease.

Patients must follow the following guidelines:

  • The skin it must always be kept wet to avoid cracking and infection.
  • With the help of special creams, which must approve the doctor, it is necessary to remove the crusts. He must be very careful to not damage the epidermis and do not lead to a new aggravation.
  • The patient should follow the appointment of a physician and to report, if the tool does not allow. In the treatment of psoriasis has a special feature which allows to the other, may prove to be totally useless for another.
  • If a person tries to get rid of the disease himself, he must start a therapy with the addition of simple means and little by little complicate the treatment.
  • All therapeutic measures must be carried out in accordance with the established schedule.
  • You can't even treat the severe forms of psoriasis. At the onset of the joint pain, the common symptoms of malaise, immediately consult a doctor. Most often the treatment will be carried out at the hospital.
  • For fast curing psoriasis, the need to protect the dermal layer against the ingress, mechanical damage and other influences. When the appearance of a dermatitis, even in times of remission, you have to be quick to get rid of him.
  • We can't let the sunburn excessive skin. Although psoriasis treated with ultraviolet light, its excess is harmful to the infected areas.
  • When the location of the disease on the scalp, therapeutic interventions should be directed at the skin, not on hair.
  • The nails in patients must be cut short. It is the prevention of injury nail plate.
  • Carefully taking all the medicines, because some are much, much worse for psoriasis.
  • In daily life, we should limit to the maximum the effects on the skin of chemical products: household chemicals, cosmetics. If touched, the scalp, the shampoos should be natural components.
  • The emotional state of the patients must also be positive. They must avoid situations of stress and nervous tension.
  • Patients must take care of the mobility and mental exercises. Comply with a healthy lifestyle. Normally, eating well, excluding the power supply.

The local treatment

Fast treatment for psoriasis is the various ointments. They are the basis of therapy of any form of the disease. The alternative are a variety of cream, of which the essence is the same.

The use of the ointment in the different stages of psoriasis is aimed at some of the mechanisms of the progression of the pathology, therefore, an external treatment is considered to be pathogenic.

The main effects of the different types of ointments:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Reduction of excessive regeneration of skin cells;
  • The increase in the speed of healing of the skin;
  • The removal of the itching;
  • An antiseptic action.
All the means for the topical treatment of psoriasis are divided into two major groups: disorders of hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal ointment

The plate

Are used in severe forms of psoriasis, because have an anti-inflammatory. Often supported by a systemic therapy. Characteristic of hormonal methods – the existence of a large number of side effects.

The main side effects:

  • Strengthen the irritation of the skin;
  • The appearance of eczema;
  • Atrophic changes in the skin;
  • Impacts on the internal organs (in case of prolonged use);
  • Addictive (this is one of the side effects is still developing, so abruptly discontinue use of the ointment you can not, you must gradually reduce the multiplicity and quantity).

Despite the aggressiveness hormonal ointments, sometimes, their use is necessary. Use of antibiotics should be under the strict supervision of a physician, and meet all of its requirements. Modern pharmaceutical market hormonal ointments are very numerous, but they all have the same active substances.

Non-hormonal ointments

With the help of non-hormonal ointments, you can also effectively treat psoriasis. Unlike hormones, these drugs have fewer side effects and are appointed in all cases, the development of the disease.

The most effective ways:

  • An ointment containing salicylic acid. Expressed the antiseptic effect. In addition, applies to the reduction of the degree of flaking. The tool promotes the flaking of the scales.
  • Zinc ointment. Sche the skin, relieves inflammation, has adsorbent properties. The tool constitutes an efficient barrier that protects the affected areas of the exhibition.
  • Ointment with tar. Grease the insert of the data of the drug needs to be carefully each day by increasing the dose, so that tar or irritating. In addition, when using the ointment it is necessary to avoid the rays of the sun which can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Ointment with the content of vitamin D. the Main action of the tool – the reduction in the speed of division of cells of the skin. Applies in a phase of progression. The gain of the effect occurs with the simultaneous application of UV lamps. Contraindicated use with established salicylic ointments.
  • Ointment with oil of the component. A cure for psoriasis, reduces itching and promotes the exfoliation of scales. Also, the ointment has an analgesic effect. Use the drug with caution, because it has many side effects.
  • Ointment with vitamin. These tools have a low effectiveness, but are well adapted to facilitate the flow of psoriasis. Have no side effects, have many effects on the skin and the whole body in general.
  • Ointment with oil strong. Very strong medicine, you help get rid of psoriasis by a deep penetration into the tissue. Used with caution and in small doses that gradually increase, if the person tolerates the components of the ointment.

Also help in the treatment of psoriasis can drugs of traditional medicine. In addition to the ointments, it is possible to apply different lotions, poultices, and herbal baths. However, before the test non-conventional remedy, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Drugs systemic

The effect

If the local treatment is not enough, also named oral medication. In rare cases, in the event of severe forms of psoriasis medications are administered by the parenteral route.

The main groups of drugs for the treatment of psoriasis:

  • Antihistamines. To relieve the itching, reduce the permeability of the vessels and have a common an anti-allergic.
  • Sedatives. As a proven psychic the development of the disease, in cases expressed by the symptoms of neurosis, emotional stress, prescribed anxiolytics. They should provide a mild relaxing effect.
  • Enzymes. In the case of the impact of psoriasis on internal organs, apply the substitution therapy.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Are not just used to protect the liver from the disease itself, but as inhibitors of the side effects of other medications.
  • Detoxification. Derived from harmful substances in the body, which speeds up the healing.
  • Antibiotics. Used only in the case of an accession of a secondary infection. For the treatment of the disease, they are absolutely useless. The receipt of these funds without direct assignment of a physician is prohibited.
  • Corticosteroids and cytostatics. The application of drugs recommended only in severe forms of psoriasis, as well as the lack of effect for other types of treatment. The receipt must be fully painted doctor. You can not abruptly discontinue the intake of drugs because a withdrawal syndrome.

Also routinely used decoctions of different herbs, providing an anti-inflammatory effect. Are used plants, putting out the toxins, the strengthening of the body.

Physiotherapy of the methodology

For the psoriasis treatment is used in many physiotherapy techniques. The most effective photochemotherapy methods, which include:

  • Uv lamp. The radiation acts on the cells of the epidermis and the deeper tissue, the normalization of the speed of their division, by exerting an anti-inflammatory effect. Decreasing immune reactivity in the exposed area of the, which facilitate the regression of the psoriasis.
  • PUVA-therapy. Effectively used to treat even severe forms of the disease, but has many side effects.
  • The laser therapy. Concerning the new method of treatment, which is sent to the impact of uv on the affected area of the skin without damaging healthy tissues. The dignity of the laser treatment – the almost complete absence of side effects.

Use one of the methods of physiotherapy for yourself does not recommend it, an experienced physician will tell you that to cure psoriasis, it is in your case of disease. In some cases, the disease occurs because of overexploitation of the sunshine, therefore, the application of methods photochemical is strictly contraindicated.

Sometimes, the doctor prescribes plazmoforez, which involves the purification of blood using a special device. Applies only to the hospital and side effects. Happens the removal of the body to a variety of toxins and substances that are useless. However, this technique is not conducive to a long period of remission, whereas in case of extremely severe forms of psoriasis.

Also can be the use of acupuncture. This is the old europe of the method of treatment of the various pathologies, which must be formed solely by the wizard. The therapeutic effect is not proven, but the positive comments on.

Of great importance in the treatment of psoriasis has a cure. Depending on the form of the disease and its characteristics, doctor can prescribe motels. The base of each of them is warm of well-being of the climate and procedures to facilitate the flow of the psoriasis.

Then, how to cure the psoriasis is still considered to be impossible, treatment should be aimed at the increase of the duration of the recurrence, the relief of the current of the pathology and eliminate the symptoms. The basis of the choice of the method of the therapy is an individual approach to each case of disease.