author João

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  • Causes and symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Methods to cure the disease: medicines, ointments and shampoos, dietary and nutritional correction, spa treatments and features for hair care in case of illness.
    20 December 2021
  • Types of traditional treatments for psoriasis: recipes for internal use and local remedies, medicinal baths.
    13 December 2021
  • What is psoriasis: the essence of the pathology, the causes of development, the factors that provoke the disease, the main types and symptoms, the diagnosis of the disease. Psoriasis therapy with drugs, shampoos, folk remedies and hardware techniques.
    28 September 2021
  • Stains - this is the main characteristic of the disease of psoriasis. The spot is the most important symptom which is diagnosed with this disease. Ointment of psoriasis are very effective in the treatment of this chronic disease. And get rid of the stains, you can resort to folk remedies.
    20 September 2018
  • A lot of people know about this rpandu and unpleasant disease such as psoriasis.
    11 August 2018
  • Psoriasis is the initial phase — the causes of the disease, as appears to be psoriasis of the initial phase, the location of the disease on the hands
    2 August 2018
  • Psoriasis symptoms are able to occur at any location of the skin, including the surface of the genitals, the soles of the feet, brush in hand and in the field of the person.
    1 August 2018